
School Drools

I forgot to write last night…I was frantic over my crazy English essay for The Great Gatsby. Ugh. I'm so, so, soooooo glad to be done it!!
 Tonight: psychology homework!! Do two chapters, or write a survey, or both?!



I'm seriously starting to freak out about my first class…only a week left, and I have to have it all ready, memorized, and smooth.


That about sums up my mental dialogue right now…plus I have two essays to write this week, I need to re-read the book for one of them (The Handmaid's Tale, totally one of my favourites!), and do an outline tomorrow.

Fudge monkeys.



So, the last while I've been slowly working my way through Season Two of Glee…. I admit, there's been some jump-up-and-say-no moments, some 'awwwww'ing, some glares. All in all, it's okay.

I still wouldn't hang off it once a week, waiting, though!



Well, instead of booking a time to do grad photos, or choreographing another Zuba song, I worked on my Psych project. I've got about a bazillion questions in this thing, and I'm looking forward to the stamp of approval, so I can go about releasing it to the masses. Promise me you'll complete it…!

Thank you ever so kind. (Little SMASH reference, there.)



I noticed, as I went to write this, that I'd had 444 page views. I thought it was a cool number.

Oooh, I'm getting ready for my first solo-teach Zumba class! I'm so excited, I've been choreographing and plotting and reorganizing forever!!

(ADOS—Attention Deficit—Oooh, Shiny!!)


Hustle, Hustle, Collapse

I'm running on almost empty, what with travel induced jet-lag, a friend's medical stuff that I worry over far too much, courses soming out of my ears, next year's courses coming out of my ears, and a job. Plus travel prep. And grad prep. And get-the-fudge-out-of-this-town prep.

I need to sleep.


Election Results Alberta 2012

So I checked—no new premiere. Phew! I'd rather stick with this one than the one I feared would come in to power, no matter that I'm significantly more left-leaning than what we've got!!



Official last-day of my trip—all flights, drives, walks have been finished, all that's left is to unpack and sleep off the jet lag. With that in mond, let's look at what I went with, and what I came back with.

White Skin=>Sunburned Skin
Rash-Free=>Spider(?) Bites
$200 USD=>Hats, Food, Food, Jewellery
Tender Feet=>Sore, Calloused Feet
Dullish Hair=>Sunbleached (Partially!) Hair
Functioning Watch=>Broken Watch
Assumed Fitting Clothes=>Donation Bin Clothes
No Deadlines=>Countless Deadlines

Was it worth it? Yeah, I'm starting to think it was. At least, until I deal with the fall-out!



I'm so very tired tonight…my last night in Hawaii. What a trip! I've gotten lost in the US, I've been to so many touristy places (Byodo-In Temple, Iolani Palace, Polynesian Cultural Centre, Waikiki, Maui Divers Jewellery, Kualoa Ranch (twice!), Pele's Chair, Waimea Valley, and I'm sure there's more I can't remember).

I've done the luau, the hula show(s), the SUP, the surfing.
I've done beach, rock, walking through forest.
I've swam through currents, waves, ocean, river, waterfall, jacuzzi.
I've walked over roads, sand, grass, dirt, wood-chips, rocks.
I've been sunburned horridly, gotten better, worse again.
I've driven on country road, city road, freeway.
I've bought food, jewellery (custom!), hats.
I've been woken by rooster, rain, chirping, mother.

I've had an amazing time.


Stick To The Rivers

For those of you who know any TLC, you probably know their most radio-played song (at least where I live!), Waterfalls. You also know I linked it yesterday, after I disregarded the ladies' advice, and chased a waterfall. Today? I stuck to rivers.

Literally—I paddle through a river-mouth, right off the ocean. We did our Stand-Up Paddle (SUP) lesson today, and it was great. I literally lost count of the times I fell in, but it was great. Aside from nasty tasting water, it was absolutely fabulous.

This trip is growing on me!

don't go chasing waterfalls…please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used too…I know that you're going to have it your way or nothing at all, but I think you're moving too fast…


Chasing Waterfalls

Today was an amazing day. As a whole, it was a 'meh,' but there was one part that made everything so much more fantastic. To really appreciate it, though, you need a bit of background.

For one, I'm fairly severely nearsighted—without my glasses, I can't even read what I'm typing. I'm also a relatively poor swimmer, despite loving water and being in it. I simply do not have the strength or stamina to hold myself up and move. I've always had an issue with floating, too. Lastly, I have a fear of new things. I want them, but until I do it, I 'm terrified (though I usually love the experience).

What does this all have to do together?

Waimea Falls

See that swimming hole there? It's measured at over nine metres deep, and the falls are such a force, pushing anything that comes near, away. There is a strung current, and undercurrent, leading away from the white water…which pound down quite heavily, and is relatively high right now in terms of volume.

Despite this, at the end of our walk up…I got in the water, hideous sunburns and all, and swam out to the falls—twice. My first time, I didn't quite make it, but after that, I conceded that I needed a floatation device (read:foam noodle), and used that for the next two times.

I made it all the way out, and even sat in the falls, water pounding over me.

For me, it was such an amazing accomplishment…despite my poor depth perception and ability to see ahead; my struggle to stay above the surface; my weak upper body strength, I did it. I fought the current, and made it through.

I don't know if I can impress what a huge thing this is for me…how deeply (no pun intended!) moving and almost spiritual.

This is definitely a recommended trip!

(On the offside, the only thing running through my head as I reached the falls was this song. It's one of my favourites, but the chorus was all I could hear. And I didn't heed. I'm glad for it.



Today was rather lackluster…aside from some choreo done up, and a bit of sun, it's been slow. My burns on the backs of my legs are still there, still terrible, abut I'm doing what I can to avoid a hospital visit. At least until I'm in Canada again!


Polynesian Cultural Centre

Polynesian Cultural Centre…wow. I definitely recommend it, simply as a general rule. As to what we did…well, here goes.

We went for the Ambassador level—I don't remember where that is on their ladder, but I knew there were people fancier and less fancy, package deal wise. What we got was a guided tour, hitting all the shows along the route pretty much exactly when we needed to, and we got a break in the middle for snacks/drinks/photos. We did most of the major attractions—rode a pole catamaran, visited each 'island's' cultural presentation (and some hands-on stuff), and got to see the canoe parade. There is a formal word for that, but it's late, and again I don't remember.

One thing I wish was different about this was it was too short; I knew all along—especially toward the end—that I was missing other things that I could have done as well. Being me and a  rather…particular…person, that bugged me a bit. Granted, we took the tour right from opening (1200) through dinner (1725), but it still felt compressed.

After the tours and day shows, we had a luau-style dinner, complete with emcee (he was attempting to be funny, I know…but it was actually really annoying), hula and live music. The luau was actually the part I liked the least, as there was not much for me, Ms. Veg., to eat. I know it's authentic Hawaiian…but I was a bit disappointed that there were so few veg options. Even some of the salads tasted fishy. Plus the smell of pig was everywhere, what with the whole, "We buried this pig to cook it all day and now you can pose beside it before you eat its relatives," routine.

What really made the day, though, was the night show. We saw their production Ha: Breath of LIfe, and it was amazing. Now, I don't want to spoil it for you, but the transitions—birth scenes, death scenes—were amazing. One of my favourites is when the main character is depicted growing and maturing. They do it in a few moments, but it's very clear!

The whole show was a spectacle, and I mean that in the best possible sense. (Free ice cream with our admission in the intermission didn't hurt!)

I can't think of anything else to say…at least, not about that. We did do the Dole Plantation earlier, but it was not nearly as impressive. The pineapple was really fresh, though!

A huge bonus for me was that I didn't acutally burn today—I got a bit browned (no comments on how that's all in my head, please!), but other than that, I'm untouched! Sweet!


Sun, Sand, Sludge

What did I do today? There were so many things that made me say "Oh, I should blog about this tonight," yet I can't remember any of them. So, a general run-down.

I went to Kualoa Ranch today (I think that's how it's spelled…!), and took their 'Secret Island' tour. So far the best planned excursion we've done. On the way back, a pair of sunglasses were dropped into the fishpond we were boating across…so me, being the heroine I am, hoped in the squishy, and apparently smelly. water to fish them out. Mission accomplished! Now I will definitely need a shower in the morning! (I've been skipping a day to conserve water….)

What else…oh, the veggie/garden/??? panini at the ranch was great—eggplant, zucchini, sprouts and cheese. Yum!

After, we drove to Waikiki to see a hula presentation (fabulous!) and did a bit of shopping…. I found a beach hat that will provide lots of sun protection for my ghost-whiteness, but still allow for my hair to be up. Score…!

Now, though, it's bed time. Tomorrow's another busy day, we're visiting the Dole Plantation and the Polynesian Cultural Centre. I'm looking forward to the Centre best!



Today I played with plant guts.

No, really.

I gutted two leaves of aloe vera, threw it in a blender that I can't seem to get to work, and slicked the slime on my hands over the rest of my burns. It looks like dog drool mixed with snot mixed with craft glue.

Yuck. But it works!!


Burn Lines

What do you think the first photo I took in Hawai'i would be of? The beautiful retreat I'm staying at? The gorgeous beach? The Japanese-replica temple I visited? Local food? Nope.

My extremely sunburned legs. I laid on my front to do my (horridly strenuous) English work, reading Bethune. As a result, however, I have a very definite burn-maybe-soon-to-be-tan line across the backs of my thighs, then down the rest of my legs. And of course, the shorts rode up more on one side than the other, so the lines don't even match…I swear there's got to be at least a five centimetre difference. It is very noticeable…. Plus painful. Ouch!

I burn easily, though, because I'm so damn white—I literally glow. It must be the Scottish/Irish/Dutch/German/English in me—I'm white across the board! Oh well, I got to try a supposedly authentic remedy—no word yet on how it works. It's an oil from a tree—the kukui, actually. Apparently it's been the state tree since…1959, I think. Don't quote me on that!

Anyway, the oil goes on nicely, and gets soaked up really quickly, so I think there's a decent chance I'll be in better shape after I sleep through this. On that note…goodnight…!


Hawaii Arrival

So, I'm in Hawai'i, and I wish I had photos to show for it at this stage, but it's been an amazingly long day. As well, I've now found out that the plug in doesn't work…how will my computer stay alive…?!



It's been a long day, but it's almost over. Tomorrow, it's planes, planes, and more driving! Here's to the journey, not the destination!


Quickie Catch-Up

I don't know that I'm ready for tomorrow, but I won't get more so by sitting here. I'll probably be unable to write for a few days, but I will catch you up when I can!


Pack, Tidy, Eat

Another day of now knowing what to write. Hmm. I'm finalizing my stuff for Hawaii, as I leave Wednesday night, but it's not real yet. I still have things to throw in my bag, and a carry-on to pack and load into the vehicle. Then I have to tidy this my room, where a friend of mine, who will play house-sitter, will be staying. Other than that…make the bed, tomorrow I'll sleep on the couch so the sheets are fresh for her (read: freezing with not-ever enough blankets).

Anything else? Oh, yeah, I tried a new sandwich today for lupper, it was soooo good! Soft  Laughing Cow  cheese, finely sliced English cucumbers, and Indian na'an bread. Yum! I saw a friend put it together at our mutual Zumba® training, and decided to try it, because I know I love all the ingredients. It was so good! I have enough to make it for the rest of the week that I;m in town, so I din;t have to eat the meat-lunches that work serves. (Ick.)



I really don't know what to talk about today…nothing seems to spark my interest. I saw a movie tonight…it was 'meh' at best…I glowed in the sunlight today…I emptied a shed of cardboard….

That's pretty much it. Whoopee!



So, apparently I don't know what flirting is…so a very dear, dear friend on mine is teaching*coughbashingintomyheadcough* some general rules. I had no flipping idea. I really didn't. Sometimes I think I am hopeless…!




There's a link I really want you to follow, especially if you're a US citizen. I'm disgusted with what their legislation has been pushing, and especially since my country is (even more so under this…genius…Harper government) so closely aligned with Big Brother US.

Please, I beg you, read what SOPA and its repercussions, and think if you really want that to be allowed. Read on what China does to restrict their internet—do you want that where you are? Think about what would happen if the US, arguably still one of the most influential, however slippery that is, countries enacted this.

What do you want for the future o the information age?


Money, Time, Life

So I finished White Collar Season Three over the wekend, now I'm (im)patiently awaiting the fourth season, this summer. In the meantime, I've been watching Smash, and I'll watch Bones as soon as it's up on their site. (That's one I'm excited about—that baby will be born!!)

It's a lot of TV these days…hmm. I should change that…with more exercise!! I trained for and received my Zumba®B1 last Sunday, so I'm now licensed member of ZIN!

Money-making schemes and time-wasting-schemes. Life is good.


Friendly Family

I have a bit of a guest recipe tonight—I conned my sister into eating supper, with the bribe that I'd feature her here, and put a link to her deviantArt.
Here is the cut-and-paste version of what she said: "scrambled eggs (obviosly) it has:4 eggs,a teaspoon of chopped ginger,1 red bell pepper,! slice of gouda cheese&franks hot sauce         i really felt like spicy food tonight lol XD"

For those of you who, like me, have difficulty reading that, I'll work at translating.

4 eggs
1 tsp chopped fresh ginger
1 red bell pepper (seeded)
1 slice gouda
hot sauce to taste

Scramble all ingredients together in a pan, cook through. Serve. She says it serves 1-2, depending on hunger!


Abort! Abort!

I was going to do this big ol' rant about religion indoctrinating kids young, and how that's Hitler-esc, and even provid examples…but instead, I'm going to bed. Ahhhh, sleep!