

So excited for my course tomorrow…! Now I need ot pack my bag and get some sleep, though…. Wish me luck!

Guilty As Charged

So I didn't get a post out last night…I was watching more White Collar. It's soooooo good, and I'm about half way through the third season…when season four comes out, I'm going to be thrilled! It's so layered…wow. I definitely recommend it!


Drizzle Dilemma

So today was pretty normal, and I was going to put a recipe up—but something better happened. (And the turnout was a bit of a flop, to be honest.)

I was at work, like usual, except I got called in half an hour early—1500 instead of 1530. I realized today I've lost near any touch I ever had with pre-schoolers. I have no idea how to work with them after spending nine months with school-aged kids. Though there is a lot of gray areas, especially for certain kids, the atmosphere is different. I miss it.

Anyway, my own room was hectic today, with over a dozen kids for almost the whole time. When we usually drop down to about eight or seven, we still had eleven. In a hot room. With some very strong personalities. So, we ignored the overcast sky, and went outside. Mega relief!!

I was so glad to be out of the room, I let my crazy show and smiled up at the rain when it came down (barely!) for a quick shower. No harm done, yes?It's spring, there was brief rain, it's beautiful. I love the rain on my face and in my har—it goes a little curly. Very much appreciated.

Anyway, after the rain stops, we see a parent coming to get kids, and walk over to our sign-out sheets.

The whole clipboard—receipts, accident reports, this and next week's sign in/out sheets…they're all wet and soggy.

Then me, being the seamstress and superheros I am…walk into the laundry room, and pull out…our craft iron!!

Don't laugh so hard, it works! Fifteen minutes later, after the dinosaur heated up, I was proudly wiping off the clipboard, replacing the pens, and re-assembling our weekly paperwork.

May I say…awwwwwwwwwww yeah! I normally wouldn't do this, but…like a BOSS!


Tee Hee

I love practical joking. That's random, I know, but for a person or two it wouldn't be. Hee-hee.


Pesto Parm Pasta

Oh, how I love alliteration! Pesto-Parm-Pasta. Mmmm, sound good simply saying it!

Another picture-less recipe, but it's what I've got. This is what my lunch is for the next few days—I bought five re-useable containers to use for lunches/ to-go suppers, so this is one of my first pre-made sets.


Spaghetti Bean-olegnes

Well, I promised this recipe…so here goes. It's approximate, like all mine really are, but this is my best guess as to what went in.
Sadly, no photos…all of this is either eaten by now, or congealing in a fridge, waiting for me to take it as a to-go meal. Yay, leftovers!


I promised my cousin I'd post a recipe tonight…instead, I'm postponing it. It'll be up tomorrow!



So I realize this is my hundredth post…and I thought I ought to do something to celebrate it. So, today's post will be a recipe…and a contest. The SixAwesomeCanadians member who can come up with the best name for said recipe will get the power to have me write a post about whatever they choose.


Here goes!


Shower Kitty

I don't really know what to say tonight…oh! I remember. This happened this morning, and I thought it was funny enough to share…though now, X hours later, I'm not as sure.

When I was getting ready for work this morning (I did 0730h-1745h today!), the cat came into the bathroom with me, which was fine. No big deal, it's sort of become our time—he crawls on my back while I brush my teeth. Anyway, when I went into the shower, instead of putting him out and listening to the whine, I closed the door with him inside.

Partway through, I open the curtain to check on him (he's had a habit of pooping in…unwelcome…place), he poked his head in. Followed by his whole body. Unfortunately for potential YouTube watchers everywhere, I didn't have a camera, and he left the stall before I turned the water back on. No pitifully soaking wet kitty today…!

I thought it was funny. I was also very tired at the time. Maybe my judgement was impaired.

What's the funniest thing you've experienced…that turned out not to be funny at all?



I got all my information for the Family File ready today, now all that's left is my mother's portion and the doctor. I'm getting so exited!! I've never answered so many questions about myself in a row!

Another filing matter…I really need to do my taxes this weekend…!




I don't really know what to say tonight…I'm watching more White Collar, I'm listening to more DJ Earworm (Stairway To Bootleg Heaven is so awesome!) and eating more crappy food.
A friend of mine has been in and out of the hospital for the last little while, and it now looks as if things will be getting better. I'm so grateful for that…I've been worried. Here's to complete recoveries!


Finish Line

I'm almost done the shirt I'm working on for a friend of mine—it's going to be so cool! I meant to take pictures, but forgot until about five seconds ago. I think it'll look good on her, though….

What's your favourite I-made-it-for-someone-else project?


Criminally Good

So I've started watching White Collar again…I have to say, I like it more than…waitforit…The Big Bang Theory. I've been slowly chewing my way through that, but White Collar is so much more…. I guess I have a thing for crime shows. (CSI, CSI NY, Bones, Crossing Jordan, et cetera….) Speaking of Crossing Jordan, there's a show I should re-watch! I used to watch it every morning before work…hmm. Maybe I'll look into that after I'm done White Collar's four seasons.


What's your favourite type of TV show to watch…?


The Lorax

I watched The Lorax today…wow. For a 'children's' movie, there is so much for adults! The standard bits of mature humour thrown in for us to chuckle at, but the political, environmental, moral views…wow. It's like a spruced up Aesop's fable for the short attention spans of today!

Can you tell I loved it?

What's your favourite children/hidden adult film?


No post last night, but that is due to another maga-essay session. I had to rework a lot of it, and still didn't have the zinger conclusion I wanted. Lovely. I also have a Math exam to finish today, so I'll study that during my spare block, before I leave.

Big news: I got an interview call from a bursary I applied to, so the interview is today (during said spare block…). Another busy, busy, busy day!


Dead Or Alive

So I know I've crawled under a rock these last few days, but there is a good reason! While I was writing a grand total of zero words here, I've written about two thousand five hundred for my English class.
Twenty-five hundred.

I'm so tired…I was up until 0000h yesterday writing, and then 0200h this morning. Two major papers, two days…one class.

After this is done, and I finish my tomato-eggs, I'm going to read over my Math notes for the unit exam tomorrow, and go the fuck to sleep.

What's your one-track-mind telling you today?



That was almost literally my head hitting the keyboard in exhaustion. Late-nighter for english paper? Plus chest pains? I'm about to type words I wouldn't usually use on the internet…!




Look good? Wanna make some? Great! Grab some tomato sauce and eggs, plus a few add-ins, and let's get started!


Oh, Schnookums

I want to talk—in my so-tired-I'm-drunk state—about pet names. There are a few people such as my friend Rosie, that i love them from. We give and take pet names like they're going out of style, and it's great. Then some people, who will remain unnamed, use them—sometimes the exact same names—and I hate it with a passion.

What's something that's completely subjective like this for you?


Miracle Cure

I can't believe how sore and tired I am. This isn't fair—I'm eating, exercising, making a point to sleep…why does this keep happening?
A friend mentioned getting a toilet-plunger like object for a throat…I think I'm in favour. While we're at it, lets invent a cure-all for aches and pains, yes?



What to say today…different chest pains today, thought about re-starting my food tracking, had leftovers for lunch and super (yum). What else? Not much…I'm still incessantly tired, and I don't know how to make this go away. Fuuuuuudge monkeys!


'Nooch' Mac & Cheese

The friend that was supposed to come over today wasn't able to, so I shelved that recipe for another time…and came up with this!

For my first experiment with nutritional yeast (or 'nooch,' as I've read it called!), it's pretty good!

I cheated a bit this time, and added dairy cheese to it, but next time I think I'll try without, and go fully vegan that way. Recipe after the jump!



So tomorrow I'm having someone over, finishing the spring cleaning, making more shampoo, and trying a new recipe. Not in that order…at all. I'll have to get up at six, finish tidying down here, do some homework, and go shopping for 0900h. Pick up groceries, run some errands, be back by 1000h. Then everyone will be up, so I can vacuum and do laundry.

After the kids leave, I'll mix the shampoo (last try before I switch back to store-bought!) and give it a shot.

Then, in the evening, I'll try my new recipe—that I bought $16.00 of nutritional yeast fore—and see how it goes.

What does a busy Sunday look like for you?


Silver Lining—And Coating!

What to talk about today? Not much…I suppose that I could mention that the person I was seeing, a friend of mine, has decided that a romantic relationship isn't what is best…. (This is entirely mutual, we want entirely different things, and it really wouldn't be fair to either of us to fake it.) We;re still getting together to try a new recipe, and hopefully I can convince her to watch a movie or two. The both of us have lists of movies the other needs to watch!

All in all, I'm glad with the way things turned out. I doubt that she'll ever read this, but I do need to make that clear. (In case any of you readers are madly invested in my love life and want to know I'm okay…I didn't think so either.)

So, I haven't asked a question in a while, and i feel like I should get back into that. Hmmm….
What has been the 'let down' that has most turned out amazingly in your love life to date?


Blow Me Away

I still have this whole 'lack of breathing' thing going on, and am still tired all the time….
On the plus side, I got a belated Valentine's gift from one of my students. It was a pick-me-up, if nothing but scripted!