
Consider It

I get really upset when people trash-talk my veganism. Yeah, it's a new development. No, it's not medical. Yeah, I chose to be this way. No, it's not because I'm a picky eater.

Honestly—you've got your beliefs, I have mine, There's a high chance you're religious. I'm not. There's a high chance you use animal byproducts. I don't. There's a high chance you watched bloody Disney as a child (at least in Canada). I didn't.

So what?

I don't bring up my feelings about organized religion, the animal industry or the Disney 'legacy' up all the time—and certainly not in offhand comments, bitching about people who don't share my views. If you bring it up, yeah, I'll say my piece. I don't like to instigate those discussions, though—not really polite dinner talk.

My issue is, I guess, with the people who think I'm somehow a joke because I do _____ differently. Who are you to say my bones will be shit in fifty years? Even if they are—what does that have to do with my milk intake? I get plenty of (more accessible) calcium in my diet. I bet I watch my intakes more than most!

How is it okay to ridicule me for my lifestyle? If I was allergic to whey, there wouldn't be an issue.

I'm frustrated tonight. I don't like those little 'harmless' comments. They hurt. So—as with everything—think about what you'll say, and who you're saying it to. For all you know, that smiling face could be a hurt, new-vegan, asexy gay woman who really wants to simply go about her shift in peace.



Every Spanish class, we sing at the end—immersion and all that. Today, the end verse was, translated, 'When a man loves a woman and she doesn't love him, it's like a bald man finding a comb on the street.'

I wonder, though—am I the comb or the man? Am I the tool that wants to be used, or the person who wants to have something to use it with? Am I purposeless and redundant, or broken and incomplete?

How do I tell?


Club Lag

This weekend was interesting—I went out both Friday and Saturday nights, as a sort of belated birthday/we-miss-you event, and was immersed in the culture that is clubbing.


I couldn't keep a straight face while writing that, how about you, reading?

So…drunks, dirty-dancing, spilled drinks, shouting, ringing ears, sub-woofers, freezing-while-waiting-for-a-cab…. 'Bout sums it up. Of course, I don't actually drink, so I get to alternately laugh my pants off and worry for the sanity of our race when I watch others do so.

I don't really know what else to say on the topic—but going out twice in as many nights isn't good for me. I can do one night/day of five sleeping hours, but not two! I usually make sure to go to bed early after a late- or all-nighter.

Which is what I'm doing tonight. I've been in my PJ's since 1800h, waiting for it to be a respectable enough time to crawl into bed and be done with today. I think that time is about now….



So, a month. All too often I seem to be doing the 'it's been too long' speech…so I'll leave off it this time. I do feel like a general update is in order, though.

I recently switched to veganism, after nearly two years of vegetarianism. I found it was no longer ethically enough to soothe my conscience. Research into it—how chickens are the worst treated animals on the planet, for instance. Or how 'they' get that dairy cow to produce your 2%. Or what the fashion industry does to foxes for the one piece that is desired for a finished product.

It's sickening. Compassion and empathy over profit and greed, any day.

What else? My family is moving, so while I have my semi-permanent home on my university campus, they'll be hauling all of their things hours northwest of here to settle in a tiny town of four hundred people (that jumps up to nine hundred in the summer).

Wow. Crazy, yes?

I've fallen in love with the uni lifestyle—definitely something I'm glad I did. I'm currently on a break, and (shh!! Don't tell my folks!) visiting my hometown. I'll swing by my old place on Sunday, surprise them all.

Speaking of surprises, yesterday I had a delivery made to my Mommy (the librarian I used to work for, and who I've adopted…) that was me, with a bow stuck to my face, carrying a pen. She was surprised, and we spent about four hours or so together, going out for supper, looking at photos, and talking, talking, talking! (Turns out local pizza is way better than chain! So much flavour!)

A friend of mine put me up last night…at his grandmother's. I know, ridiculous, right? We had to get out of town by 0730h to be on time for his 0830h class, and I had set my alarm for 0630h. It didn't got…. His grandmother, lovely woman, came down at about 0705h, asking if I was going in with N today, and if so, I better get up!

Needless to say, I rushed through my toilette, and was ready and waiting by 0730h. (He was a few minutes behind.)

Now I'm sitting in the café in his (used to be mine, too!) college, waiting for the Winners to open so I can spend the gift card that I can't at home, and then go to Fabricland for the same reason. A crazy day ahead of me, that's for sure!