

So it's been a week that I've been AWOL, and I have to say…I've missed it. In the time since we've last talked, I finished my grad dress (with a huge catastrophe in the middle), done the grad thing, completed a 10K run, and done loads of stuff with my awesome cousin before she left to go home. Other than that, I don't really know what to talk about…despite my crazy business, I really haven't had anything to say.

Any suggestions? I'll take recommendations!!



I keep doing the going-to-bed-late-and-getting-up-early thing, and it doesn't look like it will stop. Ugh. Anyone want to help me do my Psychology for me?!

I joke…I think.



It's been a while. Let's see, what have I been up to. I went for a hike Sunday, mucked up my knee somewhere between there and Monday, it's still killing me. I need it to be okay for Friday—that's my Grad! Eek! I had a grad test-run for my hair, and it should only take half an hour to forty-five minutes. I'm very pleased with that! 

What else…hmm. My psychology class ended today, but I have to do huge amounts of work to get the final project done by Friday. I'm worried, there's some things I don't understand within the reading of the surveys.

Also, I have to get stuff (how technical!) ready for Grad: cap and gown deposit, hemmed dress, giving up on Sears' late delivery of the shoes I won't be wearing, finalized decals. Plus get my house ready for my family to arrive on Thursday. 

Gah, this is a busy week, it seems like everything has been piled on all at once!



Another night, not knowing what to type. I honestly meant to be in bed, asleep, by now….



I really did work to get a post out last night, but my internet was being flunky. Jolly. I did write on the SixAwesomeCanadians blog, though, so I'll link you there and pretend I was here, too!




I don't know what's wrong…I've been so, so tired lately. I fell asleep in the car today, driving back from town. I never sleep in the car, I hate it. I have a doctor appointment soon, though, so maybe that'll shed some light.



No post last night—I went to the school dance. For the first one in over ten years that they've held, it was pretty awesome! A few people showed up drunk, but it didn't get shut down, so all's well that ends well.

Today I went on Roadside Clean-Up, talked with my Mommy (long story short, dear friend I used to work for), and picked about one-and-a-half bags of garbage between the two of us. It was actually a relatively clean stretch that we got! It was all a fundraiser for the library, apparently to put in a new book security system, so I was pleased. We did about 11 kilometres, at $100/km.

I've booked grad photos for tomorrow, 1230h, so I might end up joining the masses and purchasing a corny, formal and staged version of myself. (I secretly love formal photos, though, so yippee!)



I bawled today. I was talking about my cat—he's absolutely stupid—and how he peeks his tongue out the tiniest bit so he can suck on it. I'm going to miss him so much…I've never, ever not lived with cats. Ever. Dorm life will be quite challenging in that aspect, methinks.



My brother was being a total sweetheart today—when his class went on a trip to the local farmers' market…he let me have some of his black jelly beans (the only ones I eat; he happens to love them, too) and a make-up sample from Avon, I think. It's completely not my colour—I wear red lipstick or no lipstick—I was so touched….

I'm going to miss him.


Turn Around

It's been another crazy day…. I'm sort of conflicted right now. There's this person—R, we shall say—who I'm feeling quite caught up on. We'd once tried to be a couple, very briefly, but we came to the conclusion it wouldn't work. Despite that it was a mutual agreement, more or less, I still wish for more. I still wish I could be completely open about how I feel, how I want to try….

I know it won't work. I know she probably will never, ever see this. I still hope for a turnaround, though.


Small To Smallish

No blog last night… I was with a client until late (oddly enough, earlier than I am writing this one!), and was exhausted, especially after the event I worked earlier.

Today, though, when I went to get my groceries for the week, I was thinking about small towns. I've lives in this one, with barely over 2300 people, for almost seven years. Next year…I'll be in a town with well over 17000. I think they even have a movie theatre…! (Local joke, the nearest theatre is a forty-five to hour long drive.)

I'm going to miss this place…as much as I complain about the lack of 'stuff' (ie; theatres!), it's still become a hometown. I like to think of myself as a city gal, but…who am I kidding? I don't even know anymore. Maybe in ten years, I'll be moving back here.

For now, though, I want the heeeeyll outta town!!



It's been a blur day…utter blahhhhhhhhhhhhh…. I literally have nothing to say tonight. At all.



It's been a while…I've been swamped with a cold, school work up to here, and this crazy thing called Grad.

I helped with the decorating committee today, and it sort of sunk in that, holy shiznit, this will all be gone in two months. Literally. (Insert exclamation swear word of choice….) Wow.

So after that, I went an swung on some awesome swings that I actually didn't use when I attended that school, and I attempted philosophy. My life has sort of evolved around those swings for the nearly-seven years I've lived here. When I was young, going to that school the swing were alternately where the dweebs played, or where the ultimate cool kids played. Either way, me, the new girl again, didn't make a run for them. 
Then I went to the junior high, where the elementary swings were sort of laaaaaaame…so little kid!
I've worked with kids all my life, though, so swings were a way to hold on to that…perfect place to supervise from, too.
High school…I sit on the swings before I pick up the kids after school, going as high as I can. I want the freedom they used to be…. Now I went, tonight, alone, because I could. There was no one saying be here, or there; I simply was. It was brilliant.

I reflected on my screw-ups, my make-ups, everything in between. 

I'm so ready to leave, I don't want to go.

Surprise! Here's something i've been working on for a class…if you would take the time, it would be great!