
Awesomely Spread Out

I've been told to, and I quote, "write about how awesome you are [I am]." Well, I don't think I'll fulfill that, not tonight. 

I'm writing about how thinly spread I am—and how I keep finding new pieces of bread to cover. You'd think I'd learn. And I know I've done lots of the 'look how busy I am,' but the truth is that I don't know how to do anything else. I hardly even notice most of the time—it's simply what I do. 

When I do notice it, it's when I get tired all the time—then I sleep a bit extra on the weekend (when I can find one…!) and it's more or less better. Something that always makes me think, then quickly stop thinking, is a little happening from earlier this year.

I was in the preliminary process of applying to a Rotary exchange two and a half months ago (turns out, I'm too close to being your Granny's age to go), but I asked a question that set this off:

"Will I be able to work while overseas?"

The answer?


I was shocked. Then…lost. What would I do without my work? I've worked almost non-stop since I was thirteen—that's when I got my first 'real' summer job. (There was one when I was eleven , but it only lasted two months, and no one likes to acknowledge it.) Since then, I've only ever not worked when I got laid off a few months before summer, when I was fifteen—and I got hired back on for the summer, anyway. That summer I actually worked two jobs…the most I've ever done at once is three. (Though I can't recall what the third was, I simply remember that there were three.)

Now, I suppose I will give in and write yet another list of what I do—but this, instead of being actual paid work, is wholly volunteer.

Monday/Wednesday—Grade Two helper for 1.5 hours or so each day
Tuesday/Thursday—Kindergarten helper for 1.5 hours or so each day
Friday/Saturday/Sunday—One or more hockey games, 2+ hours a game, on semi-regular weekends. For these, I do the announcing, when the mic works. 

As a side note, that last might not be valid any more…turns out there's been some turmoil within the Hockey club/team. I may be out of a gig!

To get the full picture as to what it is I'm doing during the workweek, take into account that I have classes from 0900-1020. I volunteer from 1030-1145/1200. Then classes 1230-1515. After that, I work and such.

And as of next Monday (IknowIcanIkowIcanIknowIcan), I will be a certified, trained, High School First Responder. Meaning I'm the step between 'you're hurt/sick' and the ambulance—highly simplified, of course.

The issue? While I'm on duty, I cannot leave my high school.

Yeah. Minor problem there, eh?

But hopefully to fix it, I've filled in this lovely chart.

Think I'll get this figured out? Yeah, me too. 

So, here's the question: Have you ever overbooked or double booked yourself? When? How'd you get out of it? 

I realize, looking back, that this is far from the first time….

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