

Ugh, it's my last night at home before I fly of to Atlin for the next three weeks. Jolly good.

I'm looking forward to coming back on January sixth, though!

Unfortunately, this will probably be the last post of 2012, as there isn't likely to be internet where I'm going. So, I bid thee farewell, and my best tidings for the Yuletide.

(No idea where that came from, but roll with it, yeah?)

See you next year!



I'm literally having a discussion about what kind of 'hunky' Thor is. Oh dear. I'm such a solid judge of this, of course.

Apparently, it's time to watch the movie, and see if I can find the appeal that he seems to have.

Wish me luck.


Internet Interrogation

So I've switched to Google Chrome, and I have to say, I'm not sure I'm in love with it. I'm hardly high-tech enough to know much about browsers and whatnot, but Firefox isn't updated for retina display (therefor out of the running) and I've been having some issues lately with Safari, so I decided to try Chrome, as every one seems to rave about it.

Now, I don't know if my issues are Daniel (the new computer, remember…?) related or browser related, but either way, I'm getting ab it frustrated. Chrome isn't much better than Safari most of the time, and sometimes I swear it'd be faster on bloody Safari! For all that Chrome boasts about its speed, either my internet sucks on campus, or these browsers do.

As none of my friends have this issue, yet most of them seem to use Chrome, I'm going to hazard a guess that it's Daniel. Hmm. This could get expensive….

Tumblr Be Trippin'

So, if you're at all into Tumblr…you know of the Great Crash of 12.12.12.

It was horrendous. Absolutely terrifying. I never want to feel that way again.

(This is, of course, in jest…but really, it was rather startling, how much we had all come to rely on one little website….)

Now it's back online, I have a new browser, and everything is jolly good.


Beginning of the End of the First

I had my first university final tonight, and it was…interesting. I'm marginally worried that I didn't do it correctly, but we'll see. Seeing as I wrote it in less than an hour, I suppose that one way or the other, I'm at a spectrum-end.

We shall see how the rest go.



I need to take the time to say that I really, honestly have the best best friend ever. She's awesome, y'all. (No, this is not a hack.)

R…she listens when I cry, guides me through the most challenging emails I've had to send in a long time, and laughs about my weird tastes in music. She shares mainstream stuff that actually has substance, and is okay with me hating the rest. We talk about stuff for hours that would probably be TMI with anyone else (really, you have no idea!) and it's perfectly  normal.

My BFF (and that's best friend 5EVAH, for those of you out of the know) is awesome. I am so incredibly blessed to have her in my life.


Pizza Party

Midnight pizza run.
Literally how I spent the witching hour tonight, getting a nice, large veggie pizza, hold the chees, extra spinach and pineapple, with hot sauce.


I love living in res, with multiple pizza places catering to the needs of uni students.


Nearly There!

Well, today was the last official day of classes, though both of mine were cancelled.
I'm nearly done my first semester of uni.
There were days when I didn't think I'd ever get this far!
(I'm off to bask in the glow of near-success!)


Lovin' The Tumb's

I've been getting more and more involved with Tumblr lately…so I figure it's time for some shameless plugging of the self-variety.

Mahara's Tumblr

Yeah, I went there.


What do I post about? Blips from my life, some personal crap that I maybe should sensor more, stuff from my fandoms, fashion, tattoos, lots of cats….



I apologize for my lack of blog last night—I've been having some issues in my personal life that came to a bit of a head and I simply did not have the energy to either share or pretend last night.

Hopefully you're not too devastated, Mystery Person Who Reads Each Post Right Away.
(I know you're from the US, though nothing else. Very curious, feel free to share!)

As for what happened last night, things will be getting better, I hope. I do want them to, and it rarely gets as bad as it did.

Perhaps, when there's more distance, I'll feel comfortable detailing more explicitly. Right now, though, I'm on my way to bed—so tired lately, that can't be helping!


Grande Finale

Today was the last of my choir concerts for the year—my goodness, am I tired. I'm going to take the lazy route, pretend this is a fashion blog, and post photos of my outfit. I have to vlog for the 6AC tonight, so if you want, head over there to hear me ramble about whatever it is that comes to mind….

You'll notice there are two different styles—the well lit but shoddy hair and makeup are from last night, whereas the poorly lit but more intricate styling is from today. I much prefer the incorporation of the pearls to it all, and I used a more natural, less garish eye shadow today.

What're your thoughts?


First choir concert complete…one more to go! A friend video taped us, and we actually sound decent. Not that I didn't think we would, but it's nice to have the confirmation, yeah?

I'm really looking forward to the next one, for a few reasons—one, I actually have people coming on Sunday (today…?!); two, I know now how to hold myself to look like I'm not being stopped with a hot poker; and three, I never have to sing these songs again.

I suppose there is a fourth reason, but that's even pettier than the third…I'm so sick of the drama of nearly thirty women of various ages, skill- and self-absorbtion levels 'getting along.'

(People look at me so oddly when I say I don't like working with a female majority, but I really would rather an even split. Women, myself certainly included, get so awfully exhausting to be around!)


Solstice Spending

Mmmh, I came back from shopping about an hour ago. Lovely Midnight Madness, I spent almost two hundred dollars.

What did I spend it on? (If my roomie wasn't sleeping, I'd take photos….)

I bought a --- -- ------ ---------- for said sleepy roomie, which I know she'll love.

I bought a --- --- for our floor exchange, and I'll stuff it with something small for goodies's sake.

I bought a ----, ----- ----- and ---- ------ ---- for my best friend. I walked into the store, and almost the first thing I saw was the ----,  and I knew it was perfect.

I also bought myself three dresses from this store called Bali—so cute! I'll be wearing one tomorrow, bright, very bright, red, and so comfy. Perfect for rushing about, prepping for a crazy concert! The other is this lovely golden colour, and the last is a really interesting cowl-ish sweater dress, with a pattern (for me, that's huge—I rarely if ever wear patterns. Yet two of my four sweater dresses seem to have heavy patterning…. Hmm) in brown, black and other neutrally-monochromatic-but-still-a-nice-brown scheme. The brown actually is nice, a warm golden if you get close.

I still need to find Solstice gifts for one…two…three…four…five(?!) people, plus my siblings and S.

The last three will be most challenging, I think.

Or maybe the friends….

I can send cards to the 6AC, and something memento-like.


Why did I have to be generous (read: susceptible and complacent to the capitalist system we are all operating under) this year?!