
Solstice Spending

Mmmh, I came back from shopping about an hour ago. Lovely Midnight Madness, I spent almost two hundred dollars.

What did I spend it on? (If my roomie wasn't sleeping, I'd take photos….)

I bought a --- -- ------ ---------- for said sleepy roomie, which I know she'll love.

I bought a --- --- for our floor exchange, and I'll stuff it with something small for goodies's sake.

I bought a ----, ----- ----- and ---- ------ ---- for my best friend. I walked into the store, and almost the first thing I saw was the ----,  and I knew it was perfect.

I also bought myself three dresses from this store called Bali—so cute! I'll be wearing one tomorrow, bright, very bright, red, and so comfy. Perfect for rushing about, prepping for a crazy concert! The other is this lovely golden colour, and the last is a really interesting cowl-ish sweater dress, with a pattern (for me, that's huge—I rarely if ever wear patterns. Yet two of my four sweater dresses seem to have heavy patterning…. Hmm) in brown, black and other neutrally-monochromatic-but-still-a-nice-brown scheme. The brown actually is nice, a warm golden if you get close.

I still need to find Solstice gifts for one…two…three…four…five(?!) people, plus my siblings and S.

The last three will be most challenging, I think.

Or maybe the friends….

I can send cards to the 6AC, and something memento-like.


Why did I have to be generous (read: susceptible and complacent to the capitalist system we are all operating under) this year?!

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