
It's Only Just!

So almost two years ago, I got to see Carol-Anne Cole speak at a conference—and one thing above all else stuck with me.


It's only one word, right? Only a little, insignificant, four letter word. Yet something Ms. Cole said made me think. She said to eliminate the 'just,' because almost every time you use it, you're demeaning or minimizing something.

How many times do we call someone, and when they answer, we say "…oh, it's just me?" Or, we tell people we just wanted to say hi? Or "I was just thinking…."

It's belittling. You call someone, it's not just you, it's you! I want to say hi? Then I want to say hi! And "I was just thinking…?" Ugh. Yes, I have a brain—and it even works most of the time. I'm never "just thinking."

So…I don't use the J word anymore. I notice when you do, and I wince a little every time. It kills me a bit inside, and it makes me feel small—even when you're doing it to you.


  1. In which Andrea thinks...

    Glad to welcome you into the world of blogging Hara. Just dont tell Jesse or he will expect a blog EVERY DAY! :P

    That is a new way of looking at the "J word", I'm definitely going to try and rip it from my vocabulary.


  2. Andi—Believe it or not, this isn't my first blog, only the first one related to HARA. And thus, the on;y one I can actually see me updating semi-regularly. ;P No Jesse…? I think I'm going to disregard that.

    And, of course, hurrah for no more J word!

  3. In which Andrea thinks...

    Well I'm glad you have a personal you blog that you can share with the world as Hara!

    ... <3

  4. So am I! I'm excited for the 6AC to see it, too!
