Today when I left the house, I was greeted by the most amazing thing: Birds chirping! It made me feel like it really was spring—fabulous! As long as I still get my snow day on the twelfth (I no wanna write Social Essay!), this weather can keep up until April! Aaaah, wouldn't that be lovely…!
The whole day's been pretty awesome, all in all. Sure, the wind was enough to make me skate to work, and my legs are sore from bowling yesterday (how does that even work?), but I feel amazing.
I got an afternoon workout in today, something I rarely have the energy for yet today, I was determined to do so…and I did. I even got my awesome hula hoop, weighted for maximum skinny-down potential, and the colours (which were left a surprise) are great!
I spent my spare period talking about novels, and how our Social curriculum is blatant propaganda, and bought sandwich fixings for the week.
Work, though long, was nice and low key, and the kids were great.
I even made it to sewing club, and finally finished the pattern for that shirt I've been working on. It's going to be so cool! Tomorrow, after I check that the other pattern is still viable, I can start cutting the shirts out. (About a month ago, I found this awesome fabric, and had to buy it—at $3.00/metre, I couldn't go wrong. I bought all 3.3m of it!)
Today was amazing! Here's to great days and better tomorrows.
What did the best day this year look like for you so far?
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