

It is sooooo warm up here! Honestly, if I didn't know better, I would think it was March, not January. Today it was 7˚, as opposed to the usual maximum of about -20˚. Save the wind, and it's tee-shirt weather!

Though, with great warmth gomes great ice…for a while the whole town was covered in sheets of it. Now, with the heat, it's started to warm up…I swear, it's March!

As for what I did today…it was my holiday party for work, so I made tofu mac-n-cheese, and also some trail-mix ars for my secret Santa. She has so many dietary restrictions, I thought I'd make her a goodie she can actually eat.

As for what I got…an awesome homemade notebook! It's got tons of paper, and a personalized cover. It's even in colours I like!

What about you—what's the coolest hand-made gift you've ever gotten?

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