Ugh, it's my last night at home before I fly of to Atlin for the next three weeks. Jolly good.
I'm looking forward to coming back on January sixth, though!
Unfortunately, this will probably be the last post of 2012, as there isn't likely to be internet where I'm going. So, I bid thee farewell, and my best tidings for the Yuletide.
(No idea where that came from, but roll with it, yeah?)
See you next year!
Everyone says to follow what speaks to you, but nothing is talking to me. Nothing is jumping up and down, screaming my name.
I'm literally having a discussion about what kind of 'hunky' Thor is. Oh dear. I'm such a solid judge of this, of course.
Apparently, it's time to watch the movie, and see if I can find the appeal that he seems to have.
Wish me luck.
Apparently, it's time to watch the movie, and see if I can find the appeal that he seems to have.
Wish me luck.
Internet Interrogation
So I've switched to Google Chrome, and I have to say, I'm not sure I'm in love with it. I'm hardly high-tech enough to know much about browsers and whatnot, but Firefox isn't updated for retina display (therefor out of the running) and I've been having some issues lately with Safari, so I decided to try Chrome, as every one seems to rave about it.
Now, I don't know if my issues are Daniel (the new computer, remember…?) related or browser related, but either way, I'm getting ab it frustrated. Chrome isn't much better than Safari most of the time, and sometimes I swear it'd be faster on bloody Safari! For all that Chrome boasts about its speed, either my internet sucks on campus, or these browsers do.
As none of my friends have this issue, yet most of them seem to use Chrome, I'm going to hazard a guess that it's Daniel. Hmm. This could get expensive….
Now, I don't know if my issues are Daniel (the new computer, remember…?) related or browser related, but either way, I'm getting ab it frustrated. Chrome isn't much better than Safari most of the time, and sometimes I swear it'd be faster on bloody Safari! For all that Chrome boasts about its speed, either my internet sucks on campus, or these browsers do.
As none of my friends have this issue, yet most of them seem to use Chrome, I'm going to hazard a guess that it's Daniel. Hmm. This could get expensive….
Tumblr Be Trippin'
So, if you're at all into Tumblr…you know of the Great Crash of 12.12.12.
It was horrendous. Absolutely terrifying. I never want to feel that way again.
(This is, of course, in jest…but really, it was rather startling, how much we had all come to rely on one little website….)
Now it's back online, I have a new browser, and everything is jolly good.
It was horrendous. Absolutely terrifying. I never want to feel that way again.
(This is, of course, in jest…but really, it was rather startling, how much we had all come to rely on one little website….)
Now it's back online, I have a new browser, and everything is jolly good.
Beginning of the End of the First
I had my first university final tonight, and it was…interesting. I'm marginally worried that I didn't do it correctly, but we'll see. Seeing as I wrote it in less than an hour, I suppose that one way or the other, I'm at a spectrum-end.
We shall see how the rest go.
I need to take the time to say that I really, honestly have the best best friend ever. She's awesome, y'all. (No, this is not a hack.)
R…she listens when I cry, guides me through the most challenging emails I've had to send in a long time, and laughs about my weird tastes in music. She shares mainstream stuff that actually has substance, and is okay with me hating the rest. We talk about stuff for hours that would probably be TMI with anyone else (really, you have no idea!) and it's perfectly normal.
My BFF (and that's best friend 5EVAH, for those of you out of the know) is awesome. I am so incredibly blessed to have her in my life.
R…she listens when I cry, guides me through the most challenging emails I've had to send in a long time, and laughs about my weird tastes in music. She shares mainstream stuff that actually has substance, and is okay with me hating the rest. We talk about stuff for hours that would probably be TMI with anyone else (really, you have no idea!) and it's perfectly normal.
My BFF (and that's best friend 5EVAH, for those of you out of the know) is awesome. I am so incredibly blessed to have her in my life.
Pizza Party
Midnight pizza run.
Literally how I spent the witching hour tonight, getting a nice, large veggie pizza, hold the chees, extra spinach and pineapple, with hot sauce.
I love living in res, with multiple pizza places catering to the needs of uni students.
Literally how I spent the witching hour tonight, getting a nice, large veggie pizza, hold the chees, extra spinach and pineapple, with hot sauce.
I love living in res, with multiple pizza places catering to the needs of uni students.
Nearly There!
Well, today was the last official day of classes, though both of mine were cancelled.
I'm nearly done my first semester of uni.
There were days when I didn't think I'd ever get this far!
(I'm off to bask in the glow of near-success!)
I'm nearly done my first semester of uni.
There were days when I didn't think I'd ever get this far!
(I'm off to bask in the glow of near-success!)
Lovin' The Tumb's
I've been getting more and more involved with Tumblr lately…so I figure it's time for some shameless plugging of the self-variety.
Mahara's Tumblr
Yeah, I went there.
What do I post about? Blips from my life, some personal crap that I maybe should sensor more, stuff from my fandoms, fashion, tattoos, lots of cats….
Mahara's Tumblr
Yeah, I went there.
What do I post about? Blips from my life, some personal crap that I maybe should sensor more, stuff from my fandoms, fashion, tattoos, lots of cats….
I apologize for my lack of blog last night—I've been having some issues in my personal life that came to a bit of a head and I simply did not have the energy to either share or pretend last night.
Hopefully you're not too devastated, Mystery Person Who Reads Each Post Right Away.
(I know you're from the US, though nothing else. Very curious, feel free to share!)
As for what happened last night, things will be getting better, I hope. I do want them to, and it rarely gets as bad as it did.
Perhaps, when there's more distance, I'll feel comfortable detailing more explicitly. Right now, though, I'm on my way to bed—so tired lately, that can't be helping!
Hopefully you're not too devastated, Mystery Person Who Reads Each Post Right Away.
(I know you're from the US, though nothing else. Very curious, feel free to share!)
As for what happened last night, things will be getting better, I hope. I do want them to, and it rarely gets as bad as it did.
Perhaps, when there's more distance, I'll feel comfortable detailing more explicitly. Right now, though, I'm on my way to bed—so tired lately, that can't be helping!
Grande Finale
Today was the last of my choir concerts for the year—my goodness, am I tired. I'm going to take the lazy route, pretend this is a fashion blog, and post photos of my outfit. I have to vlog for the 6AC tonight, so if you want, head over there to hear me ramble about whatever it is that comes to mind….
You'll notice there are two different styles—the well lit but shoddy hair and makeup are from last night, whereas the poorly lit but more intricate styling is from today. I much prefer the incorporation of the pearls to it all, and I used a more natural, less garish eye shadow today.
What're your thoughts?
First choir concert complete…one more to go! A friend video taped us, and we actually sound decent. Not that I didn't think we would, but it's nice to have the confirmation, yeah?
I'm really looking forward to the next one, for a few reasons—one, I actually have people coming on Sunday (today…?!); two, I know now how to hold myself to look like I'm not being stopped with a hot poker; and three, I never have to sing these songs again.
I suppose there is a fourth reason, but that's even pettier than the third…I'm so sick of the drama of nearly thirty women of various ages, skill- and self-absorbtion levels 'getting along.'
(People look at me so oddly when I say I don't like working with a female majority, but I really would rather an even split. Women, myself certainly included, get so awfully exhausting to be around!)
I'm really looking forward to the next one, for a few reasons—one, I actually have people coming on Sunday (today…?!); two, I know now how to hold myself to look like I'm not being stopped with a hot poker; and three, I never have to sing these songs again.
I suppose there is a fourth reason, but that's even pettier than the third…I'm so sick of the drama of nearly thirty women of various ages, skill- and self-absorbtion levels 'getting along.'
(People look at me so oddly when I say I don't like working with a female majority, but I really would rather an even split. Women, myself certainly included, get so awfully exhausting to be around!)
Late Night,
Uni Life,
Solstice Spending
Mmmh, I came back from shopping about an hour ago. Lovely Midnight Madness, I spent almost two hundred dollars.
What did I spend it on? (If my roomie wasn't sleeping, I'd take photos….)
I bought a --- -- ------ ---------- for said sleepy roomie, which I know she'll love.
I bought a --- --- for our floor exchange, and I'll stuff it with something small for goodies's sake.
I bought a ----, ----- ----- and ---- ------ ---- for my best friend. I walked into the store, and almost the first thing I saw was the ----, and I knew it was perfect.
I also bought myself three dresses from this store called Bali—so cute! I'll be wearing one tomorrow, bright, very bright, red, and so comfy. Perfect for rushing about, prepping for a crazy concert! The other is this lovely golden colour, and the last is a really interesting cowl-ish sweater dress, with a pattern (for me, that's huge—I rarely if ever wear patterns. Yet two of my four sweater dresses seem to have heavy patterning…. Hmm) in brown, black and other neutrally-monochromatic-but-still-a-nice-brown scheme. The brown actually is nice, a warm golden if you get close.
I still need to find Solstice gifts for one…two…three…four…five(?!) people, plus my siblings and S.
The last three will be most challenging, I think.
Or maybe the friends….
I can send cards to the 6AC, and something memento-like.
Why did I have to be generous (read: susceptible and complacent to the capitalist system we are all operating under) this year?!
What did I spend it on? (If my roomie wasn't sleeping, I'd take photos….)
I bought a --- -- ------ ---------- for said sleepy roomie, which I know she'll love.
I bought a --- --- for our floor exchange, and I'll stuff it with something small for goodies's sake.
I bought a ----, ----- ----- and ---- ------ ---- for my best friend. I walked into the store, and almost the first thing I saw was the ----, and I knew it was perfect.
I also bought myself three dresses from this store called Bali—so cute! I'll be wearing one tomorrow, bright, very bright, red, and so comfy. Perfect for rushing about, prepping for a crazy concert! The other is this lovely golden colour, and the last is a really interesting cowl-ish sweater dress, with a pattern (for me, that's huge—I rarely if ever wear patterns. Yet two of my four sweater dresses seem to have heavy patterning…. Hmm) in brown, black and other neutrally-monochromatic-but-still-a-nice-brown scheme. The brown actually is nice, a warm golden if you get close.
I still need to find Solstice gifts for one…two…three…four…five(?!) people, plus my siblings and S.
The last three will be most challenging, I think.
Or maybe the friends….
I can send cards to the 6AC, and something memento-like.
Why did I have to be generous (read: susceptible and complacent to the capitalist system we are all operating under) this year?!
I am so ready to have this semester over…ad hopefully reset my circadian rhythm, too!
That's all I've got….
That's all I've got….
Tumblr Troubles
I've become a rather hooked Tumblr'er (does anyone know the 'correct' term for that…?) since the new computer (Daniel) works so much better with it than Alex ever did. The downside to being drowsy all day and sleeping in every morning, though, is the staying up late…with nothing to read.
Wow, can anyone say first world problems here…?!
That's embarrassing.
Wow, can anyone say first world problems here…?!
That's embarrassing.
Late Night,
Long Day,
Practically Snoring Already
I don't know what to say tonight other than I'm completely done, ready to sleep. I'm so ready for Break to get here; I want to cook and go for walks and not be with people 24/7.
Mostly right now I want to sleep.
Mostly right now I want to sleep.
To India And Back
Time to boast about my wonderful uni life, my awesome friends, and my great love of sharing obsessions.
J, my Indian-from-Kenya friend has taught me the art of sari-making. I've talked about how I love Doll Divine before, I do believe, but I'm quite set in my ways, and matching is one of the largest. So…in the sake of spontaneity, J and i spent the evening with friends, first discussing tattoos, then Hinduism, and final (somehow!), we arrived at saris, and the dress-up doll at DD.
Both were modelled after myself (I'll have to get J to do herself soon!), and I thought I'd share.
Our first doll, that came complete with sari-wrapping lessons performed on my old fuzzy blanket.
![]() |
I was surprised by the purple-ish tone J picked—I can't wear that shade IRL, as it completely washes me out. Nice to dream, though! |
Our second, in the style of a modern/traditional Indian wedding. I love how red is used so much—my favourite!
Here's the Doll Divine site—I highly recommend spending precious, valuable and productive time there.
Doll Divine,
Fan Of,
Uni Life,
Make Me Up, Baby!
So, I've been researching vegan beauty products, and have found a few companies that are pretty cool. Both Rockeresque Beauty Company and Shiro Cosmetics are 100% vegan, and Sweet Leilani is all vegan save for one product.
I've been scrolling through the collections, and have to say, quite a few of the Shiro products I can see me wearing. Some of the Rockeresque, but less, because they tend to be more vibrant where I prefer understated and classic.
I really love Sweet Leilani's complete options, though—foundation, mascara, lip colours…. Lots!
I also have one of Pure Anada's products—their loose foundation in Ivory Chinook (yeah, I'm that white!). I love it, it's the only foundation I'll wear.
So…long story short, folks…buy natural, ethical, vegan makeup. More expensive, but worth the more sustainable product—especially when it's as local as possible!
I've been scrolling through the collections, and have to say, quite a few of the Shiro products I can see me wearing. Some of the Rockeresque, but less, because they tend to be more vibrant where I prefer understated and classic.
I really love Sweet Leilani's complete options, though—foundation, mascara, lip colours…. Lots!
I also have one of Pure Anada's products—their loose foundation in Ivory Chinook (yeah, I'm that white!). I love it, it's the only foundation I'll wear.
So…long story short, folks…buy natural, ethical, vegan makeup. More expensive, but worth the more sustainable product—especially when it's as local as possible!
Tell Me, Telus
For those of you (blessedly) unfamiliar with the service company Telus, a short briefing. Telus offers internet, mobile- and landline-phones, television and a few other online servicey-type whatsits.
They used to be the only company in Alberta, before they were privatized.
They kind of suck major monkey toes.
I've had whole summers full of getting an internet from them, which turned out to be completely their fault. I kid you not.
More recently, I was looking into phones, as my old one was literally falling apart, and not quite practical for what I needed it to do anymore. (Smart phones, and all that.)
A dear, dear friend mentioned that he loved the plan he was on, with Telus.
I took his word for it—on paper it looked pretty awesome.
I ordered my phone almost seven weeks ago.
I ordered the case for said phone less than a week ago.
It arrived today.
The phone hasn't even been shipped yet, while I was promised it in 'two-to-three weeks.'
If I go in to talk to a rep, they tell me to call a number (that has been different at each store) to contact Telus.
Mine has been gone for two months.
I ordered one online because they were backordered in-store, and was told this would be a faster, more assured way of receiving what I wanted.
I'd cancel the order…if they hadn't already taken over two hundred dollars of my money.
I bloody well love this company.
System ReBoot
I get so frustrated sometimes with my body's limitations. How is forty seconds of exercise enough to cause my abdominals to refuse to work right? How can my shoulders, hips, wrists, knees, elbows and sometimes ankles pop in and out of place, as if it's supposed to be that way?
I feel like a broken record today, but all I want is a body that works. No chest pains, no joint malfunctions, no seized muscles, no appendicitis scares….
I want a replacement, where's the warranty on this piece of machinery?!
I feel like a broken record today, but all I want is a body that works. No chest pains, no joint malfunctions, no seized muscles, no appendicitis scares….
I want a replacement, where's the warranty on this piece of machinery?!
I'm curiously bored right now. I've got work I ought to be doing, I suppose…yet there's a feeling of general nothingness. I can't bear to be with people right now—my roommate and our friends are actively pissing me off. Despite this, I'm lonely.
I know I've been here before, this is such a familiar state of mind to me. The thing is, I never remember how to escape it.
I want something stressful, something sudden, something concrete that I can fix without anything esoteric or theoretical. I want a clear set of tasks that end in happiness and smiles.
I think.
Or maybe I need an in-depth, considered, and fanciful work to create.
Or an old friend to talk to?
Or to be left alone?
I don't know, and that's what bothers me.
I see myself snapping at people I care about, picking and scratching with my words. I see it split seconds after I've done it….
I see myself falsely cheerful around those who I, for whatever reason, deem to be worthy of the façade.
I see the looks, the avoidance, the tension that others are throwing at me.
I see the stacks of food fluctuating—cravings, binges, repulsion.
I see anxiety, worry, fear.
I see anger, frustration, volatility.
I see shaking, failing coordination, and crushing.
Throwing, hitting, kicking.
I see the inevitable regret…and I see when it hides, allowing my to destroy…and I see when it returns, allowing me to wallow.
I want to lose this part of me.
I know I've been here before, this is such a familiar state of mind to me. The thing is, I never remember how to escape it.
I want something stressful, something sudden, something concrete that I can fix without anything esoteric or theoretical. I want a clear set of tasks that end in happiness and smiles.
I think.
Or maybe I need an in-depth, considered, and fanciful work to create.
Or an old friend to talk to?
Or to be left alone?
I don't know, and that's what bothers me.
I see myself snapping at people I care about, picking and scratching with my words. I see it split seconds after I've done it….
I see myself falsely cheerful around those who I, for whatever reason, deem to be worthy of the façade.
I see the looks, the avoidance, the tension that others are throwing at me.
I see the stacks of food fluctuating—cravings, binges, repulsion.
I see anxiety, worry, fear.
I see anger, frustration, volatility.
I see shaking, failing coordination, and crushing.
Throwing, hitting, kicking.
I see the inevitable regret…and I see when it hides, allowing my to destroy…and I see when it returns, allowing me to wallow.
I want to lose this part of me.
Jazz Hands
This technically counts as last night's post, as I haven't been to bed yet. (0250h, and not a bit of school work in sight!)
I helped…host? (read: bouncer duty)…an event today with my Ambassador team, through our Alumni Office, which is jointed with us.. (As an aside, I seem to collect vases from all the Alumni events I work. I promise, they were freely offered!)
I got to bitch quite lovely-like at some visiting jocks during the reception, and eat veggie (the best carrots in the world), and listen to an awesome concert (Ethiopian Jazz, anyone?!). All in all, a great night.
Medical Magic
I had one of my dizzy-fuzzy-blurry episodes today. I haven't had that is a while, not to that extent. I hate them I usually break out in a cold sweat (that phrase is over used because it's true!) and start to loose the vision around the edges, while it feels like I'm floating yet being faint;y prickled. Ugh. I had to leave choir early, and I couldn't stand to sing while I was there.
I wish my body would work—or at least have predictable triggers. I had a meal right before rehearsal—that often stops the spells. Today, though, it was worse.
I wish I knew what was wrong….
I wish my body would work—or at least have predictable triggers. I had a meal right before rehearsal—that often stops the spells. Today, though, it was worse.
I wish I knew what was wrong….
I'm excited, and nervous, today—tomorrow is my first Student For A Day touring. I co-run one or two of the events on the schedule, then do the second half by myself. Sort of worried, because it's my first time…I want to do well.
Any tips for confidence boosting…?
Any tips for confidence boosting…?
I bemoan the fact that I have no upper body strength…it kind of sucks when the really cool polmoves, the ones that are so incredibly controlled, are either using mega upper-body or mega core strength. Or both. Ugh.
I am weakling, hear me squeak.
LBD, Wrapped
What to write about today? Oh! I found a dress for choir, and shoes to match. Not at all what I originally planned, it's a very form-fitting, short and slightly rouched knit dress. I looked briefly at a more 50's style woven and structured dress, but its casualness led us to decide against it. I'll have to take a photo before our performance next month….
The shoes are alright, low and rather plain, but I don't know what our stands will be like, and i don't want to be standing in spikes for over two hours on something that's unsteady—especially if I'm only getting used to high stilettos.
I suppose that's that for today….
The shoes are alright, low and rather plain, but I don't know what our stands will be like, and i don't want to be standing in spikes for over two hours on something that's unsteady—especially if I'm only getting used to high stilettos.
I suppose that's that for today….
Okay, confession time. I read a series of Sherlock fica that are, at the least, crack-tastic. At the worst…a parody of everything sacred.
Despite this, if you can suspend your disbelief for a little while…its so hilariously funny and oddly fitting…. I recommend it, simply for a laugh. Goodness knows I got a few out of it (though this is my kind of comedy)!
So, without further ado, I give you…Intellect and Instincts!!
Despite this, if you can suspend your disbelief for a little while…its so hilariously funny and oddly fitting…. I recommend it, simply for a laugh. Goodness knows I got a few out of it (though this is my kind of comedy)!
So, without further ado, I give you…Intellect and Instincts!!
Asexy Times
"Something I love about being a sex positive asexual are the responses from sexual people I receive. People never expect you to have seen a porno or know what bukkake is, let alone where the G-spot is located or that the real person in control in a dominant-submissive scene is the submissive partner. There is a special kind of joy in being able to talk unflappably about things that turn even your most liberal friends a lovely puce. They want to know why I’m such a pervo and I say that sex is like a restaurant—sexual people find the things they like and stay with that part of the menu, but asexuals (of the sex positive variety) wander by the buffet and check everything out because it’s all odd to us. Sure, some things are at the farther end of the wowwee spectrum, but for the most part it’s all baffling to us. We’re not thinking of ourselves in those situations so it’s more academic and less personal. Sex positive asexuals can be a sex positive sexual’s best ally.
And, of course, we don’t mind listening to you bitch about how annoying sex is, either."
(Read the full post here.)
This, in a few ways, is a great description of me. I confess, I'm completely grossed out by the thought of me in any of the aforementioned menu items (eww, eww, ewwwwww!) but it's fascinating nonetheless. Once I get into the headspace, it's all interesting—why is that appealing, how does that work, where does that go…?!
I suppose that I take an odd position in regards to sex and 'all that,' but what it comes down to is that I am intellectually intrigued by the existence of sex, and its variations. Yes, I have to be presented the information in a way I can compute it, no, I don't want to try it, but yes, I do want to understand it.
I've always been interested in sex, from a scientific/'wow, really?!' perspective. Ever since I can remember, it's been something that intrigues me, yet never something that I enjoyed the idea of partaking in. (Some of my hesitance to come out to myself probably stems from that slight confusion!)
Now, though, I'm able to confidently state that yes, I am a homoromantic asexual. I find sex enthralling, the way I would a good novel—I want to learn it, but not live it.
I'm Mahara. This is my brand of crazy. And it's perfectly sane.
I need to go shopping soon—but I'll be going against everyone's advice, and buying black clothes. All black, in fact. Why? Choir season is coming up! I want something that I can wear equally for the afternoon and the evening concerts, and the winter and spring ones.
With that in mind…I will become a fashion blog!
Which do you prefer?
A few suggestions—anything you have to offer up?
Yesterday, I had my first pole aerobics class. Oh my goodness. My arms are so bloody sore, I'm struggling to type. An amazing workout…simply very exhausting. Looking forward to next Tuesday, but not the next few days.
I suppose one I get used to lifting over seventy-five kilos at a time for hour(s) non-stop, it'll get better. One way to gain upper body strength!
Right now, I feel as weak as a vampire in the sunrise. With garlic and stakes dangling above me.
I suppose one I get used to lifting over seventy-five kilos at a time for hour(s) non-stop, it'll get better. One way to gain upper body strength!
Right now, I feel as weak as a vampire in the sunrise. With garlic and stakes dangling above me.
Bring Me Down
This song. In a few ways, it has no relevance to me…but in others…to put it bluntly, this song makes me feel lost. I have a person that I want to be beside, all the time—a person I crossed the Atlantic to move on from, and found myself constantly wishing for. My time with her was limited, but prolonged, as she's still one of my dear friends.
I think that hurts the most. Knowing I talk to her…and can't ever say the words that are always there.
Trimmed To Travel
I've been (sketchily) following the BodyRock program, and doing some more walking and jogging. Tonight I've got a 2100h jogging date with some girls on my floor—night jogging, ready, okay!
I don't know what that was about—apparently I'm on a cheer squad, too…?
Couldn't hurt. For me, the hardest part is getting up to do the workouts—especially if I don't have to be up for a while. Hmph. Once I get past the first week, though, I'll be getting through it easier as it becomes a routine. Definitely looking forward to it!
On another note…I'm looking into going abroad again this summer (the travel bug seems to hit me around this time each year…). This summer it would be a working holiday to Ireland, for May-mid August. I'd be doing this via the SWAP program, and have a one-year visa to Ireland. The reason I'm holding off on France and the UK is simply because I don't want to only have three and a half months there—I want the full life of my visa. One year for France, two for UK.
I can see me living and working in Edinburgh, travelling up to Stirling and around Loch Ness, down to London, visiting the southern parts of the island…hmm.
I can equally see my self in France, perhaps back in the Bordeilles region that I was in last year.
I also considered Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, but I think Ireland would be the country I'd be most okay with visiting for only three months—especially since I've already been there. I've toured it, now I want to live it!
I don't know what that was about—apparently I'm on a cheer squad, too…?
Couldn't hurt. For me, the hardest part is getting up to do the workouts—especially if I don't have to be up for a while. Hmph. Once I get past the first week, though, I'll be getting through it easier as it becomes a routine. Definitely looking forward to it!
On another note…I'm looking into going abroad again this summer (the travel bug seems to hit me around this time each year…). This summer it would be a working holiday to Ireland, for May-mid August. I'd be doing this via the SWAP program, and have a one-year visa to Ireland. The reason I'm holding off on France and the UK is simply because I don't want to only have three and a half months there—I want the full life of my visa. One year for France, two for UK.
I can see me living and working in Edinburgh, travelling up to Stirling and around Loch Ness, down to London, visiting the southern parts of the island…hmm.
I can equally see my self in France, perhaps back in the Bordeilles region that I was in last year.
I also considered Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, but I think Ireland would be the country I'd be most okay with visiting for only three months—especially since I've already been there. I've toured it, now I want to live it!
I'm a fairly avid fanfiction reader (you have no idea how long it's taken for me to come out if the fic closet and say that!), and love Sherlock fics. A dear friend turned me onto them months ago, despite me not having watched the series. Today…I was inspired to watch it.
Oh my goodness, I love it.
Sherlock is my kind of character—brilliant, slightly aloof, set in his ways…and with a heart, squirrelled away in there. (Watch The Great Game—I dare you to say that man is cold. He might not show his heart the way we do, but he's got one and it's fairly huge.)
My roomie probably thinks I'm crazier than usual, what with my honest-to-fandom squees and whatnot.
Definitely going to be watching Series Two as soon as I get through these midterms!!
What's your favourite fandom? (Either the one you follow, or the one you would….)
Oh my goodness, I love it.
Sherlock is my kind of character—brilliant, slightly aloof, set in his ways…and with a heart, squirrelled away in there. (Watch The Great Game—I dare you to say that man is cold. He might not show his heart the way we do, but he's got one and it's fairly huge.)
My roomie probably thinks I'm crazier than usual, what with my honest-to-fandom squees and whatnot.
Definitely going to be watching Series Two as soon as I get through these midterms!!
What's your favourite fandom? (Either the one you follow, or the one you would….)
Consider It
I get really upset when people trash-talk my veganism. Yeah, it's a new development. No, it's not medical. Yeah, I chose to be this way. No, it's not because I'm a picky eater.
Honestly—you've got your beliefs, I have mine, There's a high chance you're religious. I'm not. There's a high chance you use animal byproducts. I don't. There's a high chance you watched bloody Disney as a child (at least in Canada). I didn't.
So what?
I don't bring up my feelings about organized religion, the animal industry or the Disney 'legacy' up all the time—and certainly not in offhand comments, bitching about people who don't share my views. If you bring it up, yeah, I'll say my piece. I don't like to instigate those discussions, though—not really polite dinner talk.
My issue is, I guess, with the people who think I'm somehow a joke because I do _____ differently. Who are you to say my bones will be shit in fifty years? Even if they are—what does that have to do with my milk intake? I get plenty of (more accessible) calcium in my diet. I bet I watch my intakes more than most!
How is it okay to ridicule me for my lifestyle? If I was allergic to whey, there wouldn't be an issue.
I'm frustrated tonight. I don't like those little 'harmless' comments. They hurt. So—as with everything—think about what you'll say, and who you're saying it to. For all you know, that smiling face could be a hurt, new-vegan, asexy gay woman who really wants to simply go about her shift in peace.
Honestly—you've got your beliefs, I have mine, There's a high chance you're religious. I'm not. There's a high chance you use animal byproducts. I don't. There's a high chance you watched bloody Disney as a child (at least in Canada). I didn't.
So what?
I don't bring up my feelings about organized religion, the animal industry or the Disney 'legacy' up all the time—and certainly not in offhand comments, bitching about people who don't share my views. If you bring it up, yeah, I'll say my piece. I don't like to instigate those discussions, though—not really polite dinner talk.
My issue is, I guess, with the people who think I'm somehow a joke because I do _____ differently. Who are you to say my bones will be shit in fifty years? Even if they are—what does that have to do with my milk intake? I get plenty of (more accessible) calcium in my diet. I bet I watch my intakes more than most!
How is it okay to ridicule me for my lifestyle? If I was allergic to whey, there wouldn't be an issue.
I'm frustrated tonight. I don't like those little 'harmless' comments. They hurt. So—as with everything—think about what you'll say, and who you're saying it to. For all you know, that smiling face could be a hurt, new-vegan, asexy gay woman who really wants to simply go about her shift in peace.
Every Spanish class, we sing at the end—immersion and all that. Today, the end verse was, translated, 'When a man loves a woman and she doesn't love him, it's like a bald man finding a comb on the street.'
I wonder, though—am I the comb or the man? Am I the tool that wants to be used, or the person who wants to have something to use it with? Am I purposeless and redundant, or broken and incomplete?
How do I tell?
I wonder, though—am I the comb or the man? Am I the tool that wants to be used, or the person who wants to have something to use it with? Am I purposeless and redundant, or broken and incomplete?
How do I tell?
Club Lag
This weekend was interesting—I went out both Friday and Saturday nights, as a sort of belated birthday/we-miss-you event, and was immersed in the culture that is clubbing.
I couldn't keep a straight face while writing that, how about you, reading?
So…drunks, dirty-dancing, spilled drinks, shouting, ringing ears, sub-woofers, freezing-while-waiting-for-a-cab…. 'Bout sums it up. Of course, I don't actually drink, so I get to alternately laugh my pants off and worry for the sanity of our race when I watch others do so.
I don't really know what else to say on the topic—but going out twice in as many nights isn't good for me. I can do one night/day of five sleeping hours, but not two! I usually make sure to go to bed early after a late- or all-nighter.
Which is what I'm doing tonight. I've been in my PJ's since 1800h, waiting for it to be a respectable enough time to crawl into bed and be done with today. I think that time is about now….
So, a month. All too often I seem to be doing the 'it's been too long' speech…so I'll leave off it this time. I do feel like a general update is in order, though.
I recently switched to veganism, after nearly two years of vegetarianism. I found it was no longer ethically enough to soothe my conscience. Research into it—how chickens are the worst treated animals on the planet, for instance. Or how 'they' get that dairy cow to produce your 2%. Or what the fashion industry does to foxes for the one piece that is desired for a finished product.
It's sickening. Compassion and empathy over profit and greed, any day.
What else? My family is moving, so while I have my semi-permanent home on my university campus, they'll be hauling all of their things hours northwest of here to settle in a tiny town of four hundred people (that jumps up to nine hundred in the summer).
Wow. Crazy, yes?
I've fallen in love with the uni lifestyle—definitely something I'm glad I did. I'm currently on a break, and (shh!! Don't tell my folks!) visiting my hometown. I'll swing by my old place on Sunday, surprise them all.
Speaking of surprises, yesterday I had a delivery made to my Mommy (the librarian I used to work for, and who I've adopted…) that was me, with a bow stuck to my face, carrying a pen. She was surprised, and we spent about four hours or so together, going out for supper, looking at photos, and talking, talking, talking! (Turns out local pizza is way better than chain! So much flavour!)
A friend of mine put me up last night…at his grandmother's. I know, ridiculous, right? We had to get out of town by 0730h to be on time for his 0830h class, and I had set my alarm for 0630h. It didn't got…. His grandmother, lovely woman, came down at about 0705h, asking if I was going in with N today, and if so, I better get up!
Needless to say, I rushed through my toilette, and was ready and waiting by 0730h. (He was a few minutes behind.)
Now I'm sitting in the café in his (used to be mine, too!) college, waiting for the Winners to open so I can spend the gift card that I can't at home, and then go to Fabricland for the same reason. A crazy day ahead of me, that's for sure!
I recently switched to veganism, after nearly two years of vegetarianism. I found it was no longer ethically enough to soothe my conscience. Research into it—how chickens are the worst treated animals on the planet, for instance. Or how 'they' get that dairy cow to produce your 2%. Or what the fashion industry does to foxes for the one piece that is desired for a finished product.
It's sickening. Compassion and empathy over profit and greed, any day.
What else? My family is moving, so while I have my semi-permanent home on my university campus, they'll be hauling all of their things hours northwest of here to settle in a tiny town of four hundred people (that jumps up to nine hundred in the summer).
Wow. Crazy, yes?
I've fallen in love with the uni lifestyle—definitely something I'm glad I did. I'm currently on a break, and (shh!! Don't tell my folks!) visiting my hometown. I'll swing by my old place on Sunday, surprise them all.
Speaking of surprises, yesterday I had a delivery made to my Mommy (the librarian I used to work for, and who I've adopted…) that was me, with a bow stuck to my face, carrying a pen. She was surprised, and we spent about four hours or so together, going out for supper, looking at photos, and talking, talking, talking! (Turns out local pizza is way better than chain! So much flavour!)
A friend of mine put me up last night…at his grandmother's. I know, ridiculous, right? We had to get out of town by 0730h to be on time for his 0830h class, and I had set my alarm for 0630h. It didn't got…. His grandmother, lovely woman, came down at about 0705h, asking if I was going in with N today, and if so, I better get up!
Needless to say, I rushed through my toilette, and was ready and waiting by 0730h. (He was a few minutes behind.)
Now I'm sitting in the café in his (used to be mine, too!) college, waiting for the Winners to open so I can spend the gift card that I can't at home, and then go to Fabricland for the same reason. A crazy day ahead of me, that's for sure!
Tomorrow's my first midterm—Politics. Then a quiz in French, then nothing, then Spanish exercises. Jolly.
I don't really know what to do for Poli Sci, but I know I need to go over my French stuff before class, as it's a double period and we'll go through a less on after the quiz.
Ugh. Why is school now, after twelve years, finally making an appearance?
I don't really know what to do for Poli Sci, but I know I need to go over my French stuff before class, as it's a double period and we'll go through a less on after the quiz.
Ugh. Why is school now, after twelve years, finally making an appearance?
I feel so conflicted lately.
I'm guilty—not writing here, not able to provide the supports for a dear friend who seems to need them.
I'm frustrated—nothing inspiring to write, a lack of words to say to said friend.
I'm hurt—can't seem to move 100% past the pain that has been dogging me for months.
I'm scared—worried for my friend, worried for my heart health (again), terrified of the abyss that is university.
I don't really know what to do right now. I'm going to remind myself to get back to blogging regularly, though.
With that on my mind, here's what I've been up to.
I'm guilty—not writing here, not able to provide the supports for a dear friend who seems to need them.
I'm frustrated—nothing inspiring to write, a lack of words to say to said friend.
I'm hurt—can't seem to move 100% past the pain that has been dogging me for months.
I'm scared—worried for my friend, worried for my heart health (again), terrified of the abyss that is university.
I don't really know what to do right now. I'm going to remind myself to get back to blogging regularly, though.
With that on my mind, here's what I've been up to.
I Can't
Okay. I can't do it anymore—after some personal searching, conversations, documentaries, readings…I'm going to do this.
I'm going vegan.
I have no idea how this will work. I have no idea what the reaction will be. I have no idea as to who I'll build a support from (aside from one).
But I'm going to do this.
I'm going vegan.
I have no idea how this will work. I have no idea what the reaction will be. I have no idea as to who I'll build a support from (aside from one).
But I'm going to do this.
I realized today how blessed I am in my residence. Literally, there have got to be about half of us on my floor who are hardcore tea drinkers, and we've really become very close. I'm not always one for 'big happy family' cravings—I like my solitude and fantasies too much—but this is so appallingly normal, it's been great. I couldn't get over how normal it was for me to go to res, in a university hours away, right out of high school.
With a lot of the crap I've seen, and how my family works, I never really expected to be this girl—the one who worries if it'll be rude to duck out of the room while her roomie talks to her mom. I'm now the girl that crows if my side of the room is cleaner than said roomie's. It's so standard-fare, so 'regular'. My mother would say this is least common denominator. To be honest? I like it. I want a bit of LCD in my life. I want to be able to say I did one 'textbook' teenager/young adult thing, even if that textbook was written in 80's America.
I really don't know where this is going—first week drain and all—but I guess I could say it's going towards the fact that I'm content. I've had to change to slide in around these people, but I think it's an educational change, and not a permanent, "You can never be you again," change.
I'm pleased to be here.
What was the most 'textbook' thing you ever did?
With a lot of the crap I've seen, and how my family works, I never really expected to be this girl—the one who worries if it'll be rude to duck out of the room while her roomie talks to her mom. I'm now the girl that crows if my side of the room is cleaner than said roomie's. It's so standard-fare, so 'regular'. My mother would say this is least common denominator. To be honest? I like it. I want a bit of LCD in my life. I want to be able to say I did one 'textbook' teenager/young adult thing, even if that textbook was written in 80's America.
I really don't know where this is going—first week drain and all—but I guess I could say it's going towards the fact that I'm content. I've had to change to slide in around these people, but I think it's an educational change, and not a permanent, "You can never be you again," change.
I'm pleased to be here.
What was the most 'textbook' thing you ever did?
Cargon: New Book Soon!
I got an update from Goodreads to day, linking to this article. As you might recall, some time ago, I wrote a post about the first installment in the Cargon series. You might also recall that I loved it, quite a bit. In fact, I think the correct term is I gushed about it.
In case you didn't click through to the article/post by Kimberly Gould (tsk, tsk, lazy!), here's the sum-up: the new book is basically ready for production! That means, by Holiday Season, Ms. Gould is expecting the book to be finished, or at the very latest, January-ish. (Anyone that reads this and feels the odd compulsion to get me a New Years/Thinking Of You gift [my favourite {only} kinds!], this would be the time to read 'Hint, hint!!')
Now that my shameless not hinting is done, let me tell you what I hope for the new book:
In case you didn't click through to the article/post by Kimberly Gould (tsk, tsk, lazy!), here's the sum-up: the new book is basically ready for production! That means, by Holiday Season, Ms. Gould is expecting the book to be finished, or at the very latest, January-ish. (Anyone that reads this and feels the odd compulsion to get me a New Years/Thinking Of You gift [my favourite {only} kinds!], this would be the time to read 'Hint, hint!!')
Now that my shameless not hinting is done, let me tell you what I hope for the new book:
It's been a long time—too long, in fact.
I moved into my residence room today (scary!) and met my roommate, who seems pretty well matched. After the fiasco that was my OSEF matching, I was definitely needing a good pairing. We both like tea, don't drink, and have difficult-to-pronounce names. Sounds superficial, but it'll work. Our room is small, and we're both slightly on the messy side, so we've designated a room-tidy day and laid out some ground rules for us both. I haven't yet told her about my orientation, but I think it'll be okay. I'm really hoping so!
What else has gone on this month? I went back to work (I don't remember if I've already said that or not…) for three weeks, made a decent amount of cash, and have got lots of financial stuff sorted out. Hmm….
Oh! Friday night—I was loading stuff into the van, because it's a full day's drive here, and felt something on the bottom of my foot .I went to scrape it off, and misjudged it, instead lifting off the callous on the pad before my pinkie toe. I suppose, in my favour, it was my right foot. Usually this happens to my left….
Anyway, night before I leave, I busted my foot. Hurts to walk and all that—it's really a pain in the ass all around.
I feel like this blog has gone from being somewhat substantial, maybe-even-meaningful to a simple rundown of my day-to-day (or week-to-week, case in point) doings. I want to get back into some actually thought-provoking things…. Is it against internet etiquette to actually say that, though…?
My question for the day, becase I haven't done one in so long, is: how do you live with internet caps? I only get 75GB a month now, and that's costing me nearly $40 a month!! That's…almost 53¢ a gigabyte! Eep. YouTube restrictions, starting now!
I moved into my residence room today (scary!) and met my roommate, who seems pretty well matched. After the fiasco that was my OSEF matching, I was definitely needing a good pairing. We both like tea, don't drink, and have difficult-to-pronounce names. Sounds superficial, but it'll work. Our room is small, and we're both slightly on the messy side, so we've designated a room-tidy day and laid out some ground rules for us both. I haven't yet told her about my orientation, but I think it'll be okay. I'm really hoping so!
What else has gone on this month? I went back to work (I don't remember if I've already said that or not…) for three weeks, made a decent amount of cash, and have got lots of financial stuff sorted out. Hmm….
Oh! Friday night—I was loading stuff into the van, because it's a full day's drive here, and felt something on the bottom of my foot .I went to scrape it off, and misjudged it, instead lifting off the callous on the pad before my pinkie toe. I suppose, in my favour, it was my right foot. Usually this happens to my left….
Anyway, night before I leave, I busted my foot. Hurts to walk and all that—it's really a pain in the ass all around.
I feel like this blog has gone from being somewhat substantial, maybe-even-meaningful to a simple rundown of my day-to-day (or week-to-week, case in point) doings. I want to get back into some actually thought-provoking things…. Is it against internet etiquette to actually say that, though…?
My question for the day, becase I haven't done one in so long, is: how do you live with internet caps? I only get 75GB a month now, and that's costing me nearly $40 a month!! That's…almost 53¢ a gigabyte! Eep. YouTube restrictions, starting now!
Will Clean for Kisses
I have so much to do. Packing…but first unpacking. Wow. I'm still not undone from France yet, and my kitty is yowling outside my door to be in. I want him here, I really do, but I don't want piss on my stuff. As it's everywhere and messy, he has a tendency to pee.
I need to clean this out, now. Tomorrow, I want to get off work on time (no more overtime!) and get my closet cleaned. Then maybe my (still?) clean laundry. After that, I can take a break. So. I have a plan. It's public. I'm going to do it.
Or no kitty kisses for me.
I need to clean this out, now. Tomorrow, I want to get off work on time (no more overtime!) and get my closet cleaned. Then maybe my (still?) clean laundry. After that, I can take a break. So. I have a plan. It's public. I'm going to do it.
Or no kitty kisses for me.
Ponder It…
First day back to work—I've already got overtime! I'm so dedicated….
And tired. So I'll ask one of those deep philosophical questions.
What would you do if you could do one great thing to be remembered by, in this instant?
And tired. So I'll ask one of those deep philosophical questions.
What would you do if you could do one great thing to be remembered by, in this instant?
News Flash
I have a lot to say, but not many words to use. My French partner and I (the one I was living with, and came with me to live hear for a month?) have parted ways sooner than expected. While it hurts for me not to be able to fulfill the role I expected to fill, I know that this is better for everyone involved.
She can get more of what she wants out of the experience, and I can sink back into my familiar routine, knowing that I had an amazing time in France.
In other news, I went to a party last night at a friend's place, and due to scheduling, stayed the night. As such, we spent the day together, going to lunch at this little place in his town, then to a movie in the 'city' we live close-ish to. The Campaign. Not my type of humour, but it was okay. Started a half hour late, though, for whatever reason…that was odd.
Also, I'm going back to work tomorrow, and jumping right in with a nine hour shift. I'm ready to use my newfound experiences to enjoy my nest two weeks before I move!
Speaking of which, I really do need to pack my stuff up….
She can get more of what she wants out of the experience, and I can sink back into my familiar routine, knowing that I had an amazing time in France.
In other news, I went to a party last night at a friend's place, and due to scheduling, stayed the night. As such, we spent the day together, going to lunch at this little place in his town, then to a movie in the 'city' we live close-ish to. The Campaign. Not my type of humour, but it was okay. Started a half hour late, though, for whatever reason…that was odd.
Also, I'm going back to work tomorrow, and jumping right in with a nine hour shift. I'm ready to use my newfound experiences to enjoy my nest two weeks before I move!
Speaking of which, I really do need to pack my stuff up….
Another fashion day—I modelled pretty much straight from five through ten, though the catwalk was only for a portion of that. I wore clothes by the label for the whole time otherwise, though. As I told some friends: I must have looked good, or the photographer probably would have left me alone!!
Anyway, as I'm technically talking about yesterday now, I think it's time I went to bed. I eventually have to get back into the 'school' rhythm!
Anyway, as I'm technically talking about yesterday now, I think it's time I went to bed. I eventually have to get back into the 'school' rhythm!
I've been AWOL again, but I have a pretty good reason that's actually so private and far reaching that I'm not comfortable even attempting to censure and post it. For those of you that care—I think I've got a solution on the horizon. Maybe. Wishful thinking…?
Anyway, I visited Vernon last week, got to ride my great-uncle's boat (awesome!). My favourite one was actually the night before we left, we got to go out late and go around in the twilight. The half light…I sat at the very tip of the bow, so if you closed your eyes or only looked down, you couldn't see the boat and could almost forget about it. It was absolutely breathtaking.
I think I've made an unfortunate discovery—apparently I'm more vindictive than I thought I was. I'm not okay with that, so it's something I need to work on.
I have to go now, I have a fashion show tonight and tomorrow that I get to partake in. Looking forward to it!!
Anyway, I visited Vernon last week, got to ride my great-uncle's boat (awesome!). My favourite one was actually the night before we left, we got to go out late and go around in the twilight. The half light…I sat at the very tip of the bow, so if you closed your eyes or only looked down, you couldn't see the boat and could almost forget about it. It was absolutely breathtaking.
I think I've made an unfortunate discovery—apparently I'm more vindictive than I thought I was. I'm not okay with that, so it's something I need to work on.
I have to go now, I have a fashion show tonight and tomorrow that I get to partake in. Looking forward to it!!
At Long Last
Well…here I am. After a month in Franc—of which I have no photos available for you yet—I'm back. The thing is, I leave tomorrow for a week in Vernon, and for at least part, if not all, of that, I will be completely without computer/internet access. I'll journal while I'm there to keep things fresh for us, but until I get back, in a week, there won't be any more posts.
What did I do in France? I visited Lascaux II, Brantome, Biarritz, the Dune du Pilat, Arcachon, Bordeaux, Saint Astier, and Mont de Marson. A few other places, too, that I can't remember the name of….
My favourite was probably the Dune—largest in Europe, it's quite a walk to get up, but it's amazing once you do. The sheer expanse of sand…!!
Are there any questions you have about my trip? What would you like to hear about most?
What did I do in France? I visited Lascaux II, Brantome, Biarritz, the Dune du Pilat, Arcachon, Bordeaux, Saint Astier, and Mont de Marson. A few other places, too, that I can't remember the name of….
My favourite was probably the Dune—largest in Europe, it's quite a walk to get up, but it's amazing once you do. The sheer expanse of sand…!!
Are there any questions you have about my trip? What would you like to hear about most?
The final post, before I leave for a month. I'll be back…but right now, one of my favourite songs. It always reminds me of the Encounters With Canada crowd, and I think of them every time I hear/sing it. I'd like to believe I'm taking a bit of them with me. Plus, from a band I listened to in my childhood….
Also, for documentation's sake, here's a 'Before' photo, so we can compare the (potential) difference in a month:
Between me and the vast internet, I'm not one hundred percent sure I'm ready to leave. I guess it's too late to turn back now….
Wish me luck. I hope my camera, journal and mind is filled with France to share with you when we next speak. (Is this my version of 'Have a good life?!')
Snow White And The Huntsman
I'm pretending I didn't write my Math exam today….
I saw Snow White and the Huntsman tonight—it was pretty decent. I love Charlize Theron (The Burning Plain is one of my favourite movies!), and thought she did fantastic in this. All the old/young make up was really well done.
On the other hand, I am not a Kristen Stewart fan, but she was okay in this. Maybe it was only me…but did it seem like she really didn't talk much…? Either way, it did give me a bit more faith in her, so I might see the next movie she's in. We'll see.
Back to Snow White—I though that some of the special effects were really well done; the dying scenes where people aged rapidly for instance. I liked that (in my oh-so-professional opinion!), whereas some of the fighting (particularly this one throw in the final battle between the Queen and Snow White) seemed really contrived, and in that throw in particular, I could practically see ropes flying her back. It seemed really improbable.
Over all, though it was worthwhile…. Some minor disappointments (the voice-over guy didn't close the movie like he opened it, and I always like that), but it was pretty fair. Definitely made me want to know my Disney better; I kept wanting to look for references! I picked out two or three obvious ones, but I'm sure that someone that actually has seen the Disney version would find more. There was a point where I distinctly though "Oh, well that's a Harry Potter moment!" Maybe I simply have HP on the brain….
So, did you see the movie? What did you think? Would you recommend it?
Math 30 Pure
Tomorrow is my last Diploma, ever. IT's also the only one I'm really worried about…and the one I've studied for the least. I really don't know how to study, I've recently discovered, and Math only exacerbates that. Uck. Does anyone want to come in and write my exam for me? Please?
I'd even pay you, I think.
Oh well, after tomorrow it's done, finished, kaput, and I can live my life as a liberal arts student next year with no math courses at all. Hooray!
I'd even pay you, I think.
Oh well, after tomorrow it's done, finished, kaput, and I can live my life as a liberal arts student next year with no math courses at all. Hooray!
Blueberry French Toast
(I forgot to post this last night…so I'll do it now!)
For breakfast today, I made French toast, trying to get in the continental feeling.
For breakfast today, I made French toast, trying to get in the continental feeling.
I made the recipe to serve one, so it's nice and easy to make.
1 large egg
1/4 cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 teaspoon Stevia (natural sugar alternative; equals about 8x sugar; two teaspoons worth)
pinch of salt
2-3 slices bread (slightly old is better)
butter/oil for frying pan
preserves (I used blueberry (yum), but anything else would work. I want to try with pumpkin!)
Beat first five ingredients in a shallow bowl until mixed fluidly. Soak bread in it, making sure to put both sides down into the mixture.
Heat butter in a frying pan/skillet, and slowly heat each side of the bread until it's golden-brown.
Transfer the toast to a plate, drizzle hot butter over it. Top with generous scoops of preserves.
![]() |
First bite…mmmm! |
Young Brocoli Ricotta Pasta
So for supper tonight, I made something new…and I'm going to skip straight to the recipe now!
(This is how I would prepare it if I were to do it again, but not exactly how I it today. I didn't have quite the ingredients for it.)
1 cup alfredo sauce
1/2 cup ricotta cheese
4 cloves garlic (or more…!!)
1/2 cup parmesan cheese
4-5 young brocoli shoots, chopped
prepared pasta (with grooves or cups to hold the sauce)
Mix alfredo, ricotta, garlic and parmesan in frying pan, add brocoli. Heat on medium low, covered, for ten minutes or so, until it starts to bubble slightly. Mix, pour over pasta. Garnish with more parmesan and/or parsley.
This is nice, it's a bit sweet for me, but I really liked the texture of the brocoli—almost like asparagus, but crisper. I think it would work best with firm pasta, but I think every pasta is better al dente, so that doesn't mean much.
Let me know what you do with it, what are your variations?
(This is how I would prepare it if I were to do it again, but not exactly how I it today. I didn't have quite the ingredients for it.)
1 cup alfredo sauce
1/2 cup ricotta cheese
4 cloves garlic (or more…!!)
1/2 cup parmesan cheese
4-5 young brocoli shoots, chopped
prepared pasta (with grooves or cups to hold the sauce)
Mix alfredo, ricotta, garlic and parmesan in frying pan, add brocoli. Heat on medium low, covered, for ten minutes or so, until it starts to bubble slightly. Mix, pour over pasta. Garnish with more parmesan and/or parsley.
This is nice, it's a bit sweet for me, but I really liked the texture of the brocoli—almost like asparagus, but crisper. I think it would work best with firm pasta, but I think every pasta is better al dente, so that doesn't mean much.
Let me know what you do with it, what are your variations?
To Do For France
It is literally a week until I leave for France. I leave at 0540, Friday the twenty-ninth of June. Holy freaking cats, that's soon. Here's what I have to do before:
- Contact my exchange family
- Clean my room
- Find space for my partner
- Gut my closets and wardrobe(s)
- Be ruthless
- Take undesirables to Thrift Store
- Purchase and load MP3 player with Zumba songs to choreograph
- Scholarship/Awards/Transcript/Residence forms filled out and mailed.
- 'Bonding Time' with my mother
- Grocery shop for the needed snacks
- Rehearse my (trite) French phrases
- Make bed ready for return
- Two FAS (Fashion) modules
- One Art piece
- Transition to Parision time
- Apron for my 'Mommy'
Well? Any strategies…?!
Henna Holiday
Two new henna tattoos today—a free-form ankle cuff, and my Freedom design placed in anew spot. I keep trying to find The Spot to put it when it's permanent—so far I've had a tramp stamp (I actually liked it, but it's so…well…yeah. Plus, potential pregnancy stretching…? Eww), between shoulder blades (nice, but when would I actually see it?), ankle (so close to the bone, and easily exposed when I don't want it to be), and finally, nape of neck (no comments yet, that was today's job).
I'll let you guys know what I think of this—I can't promise photos, though, unless I can get an SD card converter as my camera is still showing 'Communication Error' when I try to plug it in. Shucks.
Where would you put my tattoo—needs to be discrete, personal, and unlikely to deform with age—please let me know!!
(Happy Solstice!)
I'll let you guys know what I think of this—I can't promise photos, though, unless I can get an SD card converter as my camera is still showing 'Communication Error' when I try to plug it in. Shucks.
Where would you put my tattoo—needs to be discrete, personal, and unlikely to deform with age—please let me know!!
(Happy Solstice!)
I had such a very productive evening today…I've spent it eating yesterday's leftovers (I've always wanted to eat out of one of those funky little take-out boxes, and Wok Box has them. Score!), avoiding the scholarship essay I need to work through (read: write!)…and looking at planners for next year.
I've been through the At-A-Glance site, which is the company that out out my beloved 'little black book.' They call it a collegiate planner…that's really not nearly as much fun.
Anyway, I think I've found the one! It's a lot bigger than this year's (8" x 9 7/8" versus 3" x4 1/2"), but I think with all that I'll be doing, extra, it'll work. I might need to either a) clear out a permanent home for it in my purse, which it might not fit…at all, or b) get a new purse for it. I need to get a new purse anyway, mine's starting to fall apart, and I would really like something more modern. The one I have is practically my mother's, it's not me at all. It's sort of become me, but still….
I want function, always, but a little more style with it…. I've looked into the Miche bag system—look them up, it's really quite interesting—and I've decided I want their 'Prima' bag with the 'Katheryn' shell. It's still brown, like mine, still has pockets and compartments, but it's a bit larger, it's more modern, and, frankly, I'm tired of this utilitarian look. I want a little more poshness.
I was told not to do it, as it's not leather, but honestly, it's not like I'll use this for forever, and I'm really not nearly as into leather as some people I know. Sure, it's nice for shoes and everything, but it can be such a pain in the ass sometimes…and there's the whole 'dead animal' thing. Not really my cup of tea!
So I guess I have a few things to purchase in the next little while…. I've come into a bit of money, what with grad, so maybe I should treat myself? What do you think?
Janome 2160 QDC
Today, I bought my second sewing machine…but the first modern one. It's a Janome 2160 QDC, and it's pretty cool…! Lots of settings that I'm looking forward to playing with, and it'll make my clothes-fixing work easier—lots of different buttonhole settings, zigzags, straight stitches, decorative…so much variety!
I'm really looking forward to working with it. My first project will be over the next few days, I'll bring it into the lab and make my Mommy's apron she asked for. Yay!!
I'm really looking forward to working with it. My first project will be over the next few days, I'll bring it into the lab and make my Mommy's apron she asked for. Yay!!
Fritters and France and Friends(?!), Oh My!
I'm in the middle of cooking this recipe (oddly enough, I'm doing it almost word-for-word, which is really weird for me!), and thinking about my exchange. If you didn't know, I'm going to france at the end of this month (the twenty-ninth), and will have almost no chances to blog while I'm there. The company I'm going with strongly advises against brining my computer. I'll get into that another day, though.
Anyway, I bring my exchange partner back for August (we'll call her JR for the sake of argument), and I'm sort of worried about what she'll think of us here. From all accounts, French mothers are the cooks, laundresses, housekeepers. (I was told not to panic if my clothes disappeared, it probably means that Mom JR has taken them to clean…!)
Here, though, I cook, if anyone does. I do most of my own laundry (when it's not sitting in a heap, waiting to be folded). I don't rely on my mother for everything….
What spurred this on, though, was the thought of my 'cooking clothes.' Anyone would say they strongly resemble 'workout clothes'…probably because they're the same. When I'm cooking, I'm usually choreographing, too. I dance my way through chopping, mixing and baking; all with loud (generally latin and/or Zumba) music blasting. I'm sure I look a fright—chop-chop-shimmy-bounce-bounce-slice-pour-twirl!
So, if you walked in on that, what would your first response be?
Anyway, I bring my exchange partner back for August (we'll call her JR for the sake of argument), and I'm sort of worried about what she'll think of us here. From all accounts, French mothers are the cooks, laundresses, housekeepers. (I was told not to panic if my clothes disappeared, it probably means that Mom JR has taken them to clean…!)
Here, though, I cook, if anyone does. I do most of my own laundry (when it's not sitting in a heap, waiting to be folded). I don't rely on my mother for everything….
What spurred this on, though, was the thought of my 'cooking clothes.' Anyone would say they strongly resemble 'workout clothes'…probably because they're the same. When I'm cooking, I'm usually choreographing, too. I dance my way through chopping, mixing and baking; all with loud (generally latin and/or Zumba) music blasting. I'm sure I look a fright—chop-chop-shimmy-bounce-bounce-slice-pour-twirl!
So, if you walked in on that, what would your first response be?
I get to do so much tomorrow…OSEF meeting, watch my brother's football game, check my sewing machine (and maybe purchase it?), watch a movie with friends….
I am damn blessed.
I am damn blessed.
Grey Areas
Yesterday I was told that I should read Fifty Shades of Grey because, and I quote, "She talks to herself the way I imagine you talking to yourself."
I'm not sure that's a good thing. So, please tell me—have you read it? What did you think? Is it a compliment to think like her…?
I'm not sure that's a good thing. So, please tell me—have you read it? What did you think? Is it a compliment to think like her…?
English Part A
I wrote my English Part A diploma yesterday, along with all the other English students across the province. Ugh…I don't think it went very well….
So, I figured out why I'm so flipping tired all the time: I haven't been exercising. I've been putting it off, so I can study, then relax after. Silly me—I should remember that I always feel better after working out. I'm actually working on a new choreography for my future-Zumba® class. I'm going to have so many songs, and only be licensed for a few of them. I'll need to get a SOCAN license as soon as I can (first I need a name for my 'company,') so I can do all these songs that I love and want to teach! Nothing against the registered Zumba songs, but as a student I always got—still do get—a kick out of the songs I can sing along to, and understand, in English.
So, I guess that I'll have to clean my running shoes up from the Press Run a few weeks ago, and show up for my class Wednesday night. It'll be so much better for me…!!
So, I guess that I'll have to clean my running shoes up from the Press Run a few weeks ago, and show up for my class Wednesday night. It'll be so much better for me…!!
So, I suppose I have another word or two to add to my banned-list. I really, really don't like the word 'nice.' Or 'good.' I mean, really, what do they mean? What is 'being nice?' Is is politeness? Then say so. Is it kindness? Then say so. Is it consideration? Then say so.
I know I'm incredibly guilty of this—every time I get told something, but I don't know what to say, I say 'nice.' It can be so multi-purpose, but I usually use it as the sort of dry, I'm-not-really-listening affirmation. What really bothers me even more, though, is when it's used in childcare. As it is so damn ambiguous to define, how are we really telling little Billy to act? So he pulls Suzie's pigtails. "Be nice, Billy." Honestly, I'm confused as hell when I'm told that, how is Billy supposed to figure out that 'nice' means to keep our hands to our own bodies, and use words to ask for what we want?
Nice is a really not-nice word. Plus it sounds wishy-washy when you say it.
I know I'm incredibly guilty of this—every time I get told something, but I don't know what to say, I say 'nice.' It can be so multi-purpose, but I usually use it as the sort of dry, I'm-not-really-listening affirmation. What really bothers me even more, though, is when it's used in childcare. As it is so damn ambiguous to define, how are we really telling little Billy to act? So he pulls Suzie's pigtails. "Be nice, Billy." Honestly, I'm confused as hell when I'm told that, how is Billy supposed to figure out that 'nice' means to keep our hands to our own bodies, and use words to ask for what we want?
Nice is a really not-nice word. Plus it sounds wishy-washy when you say it.
So it's been a week that I've been AWOL, and I have to say…I've missed it. In the time since we've last talked, I finished my grad dress (with a huge catastrophe in the middle), done the grad thing, completed a 10K run, and done loads of stuff with my awesome cousin before she left to go home. Other than that, I don't really know what to talk about…despite my crazy business, I really haven't had anything to say.
Any suggestions? I'll take recommendations!!
Any suggestions? I'll take recommendations!!
I keep doing the going-to-bed-late-and-getting-up-early thing, and it doesn't look like it will stop. Ugh. Anyone want to help me do my Psychology for me?!
I joke…I think.
I joke…I think.
It's been a while. Let's see, what have I been up to. I went for a hike Sunday, mucked up my knee somewhere between there and Monday, it's still killing me. I need it to be okay for Friday—that's my Grad! Eek! I had a grad test-run for my hair, and it should only take half an hour to forty-five minutes. I'm very pleased with that!
What else…hmm. My psychology class ended today, but I have to do huge amounts of work to get the final project done by Friday. I'm worried, there's some things I don't understand within the reading of the surveys.
Also, I have to get stuff (how technical!) ready for Grad: cap and gown deposit, hemmed dress, giving up on Sears' late delivery of the shoes I won't be wearing, finalized decals. Plus get my house ready for my family to arrive on Thursday.
Gah, this is a busy week, it seems like everything has been piled on all at once!
Double Booked,
High School,
I really did work to get a post out last night, but my internet was being flunky. Jolly. I did write on the SixAwesomeCanadians blog, though, so I'll link you there and pretend I was here, too!
I don't know what's wrong…I've been so, so tired lately. I fell asleep in the car today, driving back from town. I never sleep in the car, I hate it. I have a doctor appointment soon, though, so maybe that'll shed some light.
No post last night—I went to the school dance. For the first one in over ten years that they've held, it was pretty awesome! A few people showed up drunk, but it didn't get shut down, so all's well that ends well.
Today I went on Roadside Clean-Up, talked with my Mommy (long story short, dear friend I used to work for), and picked about one-and-a-half bags of garbage between the two of us. It was actually a relatively clean stretch that we got! It was all a fundraiser for the library, apparently to put in a new book security system, so I was pleased. We did about 11 kilometres, at $100/km.
I've booked grad photos for tomorrow, 1230h, so I might end up joining the masses and purchasing a corny, formal and staged version of myself. (I secretly love formal photos, though, so yippee!)
Today I went on Roadside Clean-Up, talked with my Mommy (long story short, dear friend I used to work for), and picked about one-and-a-half bags of garbage between the two of us. It was actually a relatively clean stretch that we got! It was all a fundraiser for the library, apparently to put in a new book security system, so I was pleased. We did about 11 kilometres, at $100/km.
I've booked grad photos for tomorrow, 1230h, so I might end up joining the masses and purchasing a corny, formal and staged version of myself. (I secretly love formal photos, though, so yippee!)
High School,
I bawled today. I was talking about my cat—he's absolutely stupid—and how he peeks his tongue out the tiniest bit so he can suck on it. I'm going to miss him so much…I've never, ever not lived with cats. Ever. Dorm life will be quite challenging in that aspect, methinks.
My brother was being a total sweetheart today—when his class went on a trip to the local farmers' market…he let me have some of his black jelly beans (the only ones I eat; he happens to love them, too) and a make-up sample from Avon, I think. It's completely not my colour—I wear red lipstick or no lipstick—I was so touched….
I'm going to miss him.
I'm going to miss him.
Turn Around
It's been another crazy day…. I'm sort of conflicted right now. There's this person—R, we shall say—who I'm feeling quite caught up on. We'd once tried to be a couple, very briefly, but we came to the conclusion it wouldn't work. Despite that it was a mutual agreement, more or less, I still wish for more. I still wish I could be completely open about how I feel, how I want to try….
I know it won't work. I know she probably will never, ever see this. I still hope for a turnaround, though.
I know it won't work. I know she probably will never, ever see this. I still hope for a turnaround, though.
Small To Smallish
No blog last night… I was with a client until late (oddly enough, earlier than I am writing this one!), and was exhausted, especially after the event I worked earlier.
Today, though, when I went to get my groceries for the week, I was thinking about small towns. I've lives in this one, with barely over 2300 people, for almost seven years. Next year…I'll be in a town with well over 17000. I think they even have a movie theatre…! (Local joke, the nearest theatre is a forty-five to hour long drive.)
I'm going to miss this place…as much as I complain about the lack of 'stuff' (ie; theatres!), it's still become a hometown. I like to think of myself as a city gal, but…who am I kidding? I don't even know anymore. Maybe in ten years, I'll be moving back here.
For now, though, I want the heeeeyll outta town!!
Today, though, when I went to get my groceries for the week, I was thinking about small towns. I've lives in this one, with barely over 2300 people, for almost seven years. Next year…I'll be in a town with well over 17000. I think they even have a movie theatre…! (Local joke, the nearest theatre is a forty-five to hour long drive.)
I'm going to miss this place…as much as I complain about the lack of 'stuff' (ie; theatres!), it's still become a hometown. I like to think of myself as a city gal, but…who am I kidding? I don't even know anymore. Maybe in ten years, I'll be moving back here.
For now, though, I want the heeeeyll outta town!!
It's been a blur day…utter blahhhhhhhhhhhhh…. I literally have nothing to say tonight. At all.
It's been a while…I've been swamped with a cold, school work up to here, and this crazy thing called Grad.
I helped with the decorating committee today, and it sort of sunk in that, holy shiznit, this will all be gone in two months. Literally. (Insert exclamation swear word of choice….) Wow.
So after that, I went an swung on some awesome swings that I actually didn't use when I attended that school, and I attempted philosophy. My life has sort of evolved around those swings for the nearly-seven years I've lived here. When I was young, going to that school the swing were alternately where the dweebs played, or where the ultimate cool kids played. Either way, me, the new girl again, didn't make a run for them.
Then I went to the junior high, where the elementary swings were sort of laaaaaaame…so little kid!
I've worked with kids all my life, though, so swings were a way to hold on to that…perfect place to supervise from, too.
High school…I sit on the swings before I pick up the kids after school, going as high as I can. I want the freedom they used to be…. Now I went, tonight, alone, because I could. There was no one saying be here, or there; I simply was. It was brilliant.
I reflected on my screw-ups, my make-ups, everything in between.
I'm so ready to leave, I don't want to go.
I helped with the decorating committee today, and it sort of sunk in that, holy shiznit, this will all be gone in two months. Literally. (Insert exclamation swear word of choice….) Wow.
So after that, I went an swung on some awesome swings that I actually didn't use when I attended that school, and I attempted philosophy. My life has sort of evolved around those swings for the nearly-seven years I've lived here. When I was young, going to that school the swing were alternately where the dweebs played, or where the ultimate cool kids played. Either way, me, the new girl again, didn't make a run for them.
Then I went to the junior high, where the elementary swings were sort of laaaaaaame…so little kid!
I've worked with kids all my life, though, so swings were a way to hold on to that…perfect place to supervise from, too.
High school…I sit on the swings before I pick up the kids after school, going as high as I can. I want the freedom they used to be…. Now I went, tonight, alone, because I could. There was no one saying be here, or there; I simply was. It was brilliant.
I reflected on my screw-ups, my make-ups, everything in between.
I'm so ready to leave, I don't want to go.
Surprise! Here's something i've been working on for a class…if you would take the time, it would be great!
High School,
School Drools
I forgot to write last night…I was frantic over my crazy English essay for The Great Gatsby. Ugh. I'm so, so, soooooo glad to be done it!!
Tonight: psychology homework!! Do two chapters, or write a survey, or both?!
Tonight: psychology homework!! Do two chapters, or write a survey, or both?!
I'm seriously starting to freak out about my first class…only a week left, and I have to have it all ready, memorized, and smooth.
That about sums up my mental dialogue right now…plus I have two essays to write this week, I need to re-read the book for one of them (The Handmaid's Tale, totally one of my favourites!), and do an outline tomorrow.
Fudge monkeys.
That about sums up my mental dialogue right now…plus I have two essays to write this week, I need to re-read the book for one of them (The Handmaid's Tale, totally one of my favourites!), and do an outline tomorrow.
Fudge monkeys.
So, the last while I've been slowly working my way through Season Two of Glee…. I admit, there's been some jump-up-and-say-no moments, some 'awwwww'ing, some glares. All in all, it's okay.
I still wouldn't hang off it once a week, waiting, though!
I still wouldn't hang off it once a week, waiting, though!
Well, instead of booking a time to do grad photos, or choreographing another Zuba song, I worked on my Psych project. I've got about a bazillion questions in this thing, and I'm looking forward to the stamp of approval, so I can go about releasing it to the masses. Promise me you'll complete it…!
Thank you ever so kind. (Little SMASH reference, there.)
Thank you ever so kind. (Little SMASH reference, there.)
I noticed, as I went to write this, that I'd had 444 page views. I thought it was a cool number.
Oooh, I'm getting ready for my first solo-teach Zumba class! I'm so excited, I've been choreographing and plotting and reorganizing forever!!
(ADOS—Attention Deficit—Oooh, Shiny!!)
Oooh, I'm getting ready for my first solo-teach Zumba class! I'm so excited, I've been choreographing and plotting and reorganizing forever!!
(ADOS—Attention Deficit—Oooh, Shiny!!)
Hustle, Hustle, Collapse
I'm running on almost empty, what with travel induced jet-lag, a friend's medical stuff that I worry over far too much, courses soming out of my ears, next year's courses coming out of my ears, and a job. Plus travel prep. And grad prep. And get-the-fudge-out-of-this-town prep.
I need to sleep.
I need to sleep.
Late Night,
Long Day,
Election Results Alberta 2012
So I checked—no new premiere. Phew! I'd rather stick with this one than the one I feared would come in to power, no matter that I'm significantly more left-leaning than what we've got!!
Official last-day of my trip—all flights, drives, walks have been finished, all that's left is to unpack and sleep off the jet lag. With that in mond, let's look at what I went with, and what I came back with.
White Skin=>Sunburned Skin
Rash-Free=>Spider(?) Bites
$200 USD=>Hats, Food, Food, Jewellery
Tender Feet=>Sore, Calloused Feet
Dullish Hair=>Sunbleached (Partially!) Hair
Functioning Watch=>Broken Watch
Assumed Fitting Clothes=>Donation Bin Clothes
No Deadlines=>Countless Deadlines
Was it worth it? Yeah, I'm starting to think it was. At least, until I deal with the fall-out!
White Skin=>Sunburned Skin
Rash-Free=>Spider(?) Bites
$200 USD=>Hats, Food, Food, Jewellery
Tender Feet=>Sore, Calloused Feet
Dullish Hair=>Sunbleached (Partially!) Hair
Functioning Watch=>Broken Watch
Assumed Fitting Clothes=>Donation Bin Clothes
No Deadlines=>Countless Deadlines
Was it worth it? Yeah, I'm starting to think it was. At least, until I deal with the fall-out!
I'm so very tired tonight…my last night in Hawaii. What a trip! I've gotten lost in the US, I've been to so many touristy places (Byodo-In Temple, Iolani Palace, Polynesian Cultural Centre, Waikiki, Maui Divers Jewellery, Kualoa Ranch (twice!), Pele's Chair, Waimea Valley, and I'm sure there's more I can't remember).
I've done the luau, the hula show(s), the SUP, the surfing.
I've done beach, rock, walking through forest.
I've swam through currents, waves, ocean, river, waterfall, jacuzzi.
I've walked over roads, sand, grass, dirt, wood-chips, rocks.
I've been sunburned horridly, gotten better, worse again.
I've driven on country road, city road, freeway.
I've bought food, jewellery (custom!), hats.
I've been woken by rooster, rain, chirping, mother.
I've had an amazing time.
I've done the luau, the hula show(s), the SUP, the surfing.
I've done beach, rock, walking through forest.
I've swam through currents, waves, ocean, river, waterfall, jacuzzi.
I've walked over roads, sand, grass, dirt, wood-chips, rocks.
I've been sunburned horridly, gotten better, worse again.
I've driven on country road, city road, freeway.
I've bought food, jewellery (custom!), hats.
I've been woken by rooster, rain, chirping, mother.
I've had an amazing time.
Stick To The Rivers
For those of you who know any TLC, you probably know their most radio-played song (at least where I live!), Waterfalls. You also know I linked it yesterday, after I disregarded the ladies' advice, and chased a waterfall. Today? I stuck to rivers.
Literally—I paddle through a river-mouth, right off the ocean. We did our Stand-Up Paddle (SUP) lesson today, and it was great. I literally lost count of the times I fell in, but it was great. Aside from nasty tasting water, it was absolutely fabulous.
This trip is growing on me!
don't go chasing waterfalls…please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used too…I know that you're going to have it your way or nothing at all, but I think you're moving too fast…
Literally—I paddle through a river-mouth, right off the ocean. We did our Stand-Up Paddle (SUP) lesson today, and it was great. I literally lost count of the times I fell in, but it was great. Aside from nasty tasting water, it was absolutely fabulous.
This trip is growing on me!
don't go chasing waterfalls…please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used too…I know that you're going to have it your way or nothing at all, but I think you're moving too fast…
Chasing Waterfalls
Today was an amazing day. As a whole, it was a 'meh,' but there was one part that made everything so much more fantastic. To really appreciate it, though, you need a bit of background.
For one, I'm fairly severely nearsighted—without my glasses, I can't even read what I'm typing. I'm also a relatively poor swimmer, despite loving water and being in it. I simply do not have the strength or stamina to hold myself up and move. I've always had an issue with floating, too. Lastly, I have a fear of new things. I want them, but until I do it, I 'm terrified (though I usually love the experience).
What does this all have to do together?
Waimea Falls
See that swimming hole there? It's measured at over nine metres deep, and the falls are such a force, pushing anything that comes near, away. There is a strung current, and undercurrent, leading away from the white water…which pound down quite heavily, and is relatively high right now in terms of volume.
Despite this, at the end of our walk up…I got in the water, hideous sunburns and all, and swam out to the falls—twice. My first time, I didn't quite make it, but after that, I conceded that I needed a floatation device (read:foam noodle), and used that for the next two times.
I made it all the way out, and even sat in the falls, water pounding over me.
For me, it was such an amazing accomplishment…despite my poor depth perception and ability to see ahead; my struggle to stay above the surface; my weak upper body strength, I did it. I fought the current, and made it through.
I don't know if I can impress what a huge thing this is for me…how deeply (no pun intended!) moving and almost spiritual.
This is definitely a recommended trip!
(On the offside, the only thing running through my head as I reached the falls was this song. It's one of my favourites, but the chorus was all I could hear. And I didn't heed. I'm glad for it.
For one, I'm fairly severely nearsighted—without my glasses, I can't even read what I'm typing. I'm also a relatively poor swimmer, despite loving water and being in it. I simply do not have the strength or stamina to hold myself up and move. I've always had an issue with floating, too. Lastly, I have a fear of new things. I want them, but until I do it, I 'm terrified (though I usually love the experience).
What does this all have to do together?
Waimea Falls
See that swimming hole there? It's measured at over nine metres deep, and the falls are such a force, pushing anything that comes near, away. There is a strung current, and undercurrent, leading away from the white water…which pound down quite heavily, and is relatively high right now in terms of volume.
Despite this, at the end of our walk up…I got in the water, hideous sunburns and all, and swam out to the falls—twice. My first time, I didn't quite make it, but after that, I conceded that I needed a floatation device (read:foam noodle), and used that for the next two times.
I made it all the way out, and even sat in the falls, water pounding over me.
For me, it was such an amazing accomplishment…despite my poor depth perception and ability to see ahead; my struggle to stay above the surface; my weak upper body strength, I did it. I fought the current, and made it through.
I don't know if I can impress what a huge thing this is for me…how deeply (no pun intended!) moving and almost spiritual.
This is definitely a recommended trip!
(On the offside, the only thing running through my head as I reached the falls was this song. It's one of my favourites, but the chorus was all I could hear. And I didn't heed. I'm glad for it.
Today was rather lackluster…aside from some choreo done up, and a bit of sun, it's been slow. My burns on the backs of my legs are still there, still terrible, abut I'm doing what I can to avoid a hospital visit. At least until I'm in Canada again!
Polynesian Cultural Centre
Polynesian Cultural Centre…wow. I definitely recommend it, simply as a general rule. As to what we did…well, here goes.
We went for the Ambassador level—I don't remember where that is on their ladder, but I knew there were people fancier and less fancy, package deal wise. What we got was a guided tour, hitting all the shows along the route pretty much exactly when we needed to, and we got a break in the middle for snacks/drinks/photos. We did most of the major attractions—rode a pole catamaran, visited each 'island's' cultural presentation (and some hands-on stuff), and got to see the canoe parade. There is a formal word for that, but it's late, and again I don't remember.
One thing I wish was different about this was it was too short; I knew all along—especially toward the end—that I was missing other things that I could have done as well. Being me and a rather…particular…person, that bugged me a bit. Granted, we took the tour right from opening (1200) through dinner (1725), but it still felt compressed.
After the tours and day shows, we had a luau-style dinner, complete with emcee (he was attempting to be funny, I know…but it was actually really annoying), hula and live music. The luau was actually the part I liked the least, as there was not much for me, Ms. Veg., to eat. I know it's authentic Hawaiian…but I was a bit disappointed that there were so few veg options. Even some of the salads tasted fishy. Plus the smell of pig was everywhere, what with the whole, "We buried this pig to cook it all day and now you can pose beside it before you eat its relatives," routine.
What really made the day, though, was the night show. We saw their production Ha: Breath of LIfe, and it was amazing. Now, I don't want to spoil it for you, but the transitions—birth scenes, death scenes—were amazing. One of my favourites is when the main character is depicted growing and maturing. They do it in a few moments, but it's very clear!
The whole show was a spectacle, and I mean that in the best possible sense. (Free ice cream with our admission in the intermission didn't hurt!)
I can't think of anything else to say…at least, not about that. We did do the Dole Plantation earlier, but it was not nearly as impressive. The pineapple was really fresh, though!
A huge bonus for me was that I didn't acutally burn today—I got a bit browned (no comments on how that's all in my head, please!), but other than that, I'm untouched! Sweet!
We went for the Ambassador level—I don't remember where that is on their ladder, but I knew there were people fancier and less fancy, package deal wise. What we got was a guided tour, hitting all the shows along the route pretty much exactly when we needed to, and we got a break in the middle for snacks/drinks/photos. We did most of the major attractions—rode a pole catamaran, visited each 'island's' cultural presentation (and some hands-on stuff), and got to see the canoe parade. There is a formal word for that, but it's late, and again I don't remember.
One thing I wish was different about this was it was too short; I knew all along—especially toward the end—that I was missing other things that I could have done as well. Being me and a rather…particular…person, that bugged me a bit. Granted, we took the tour right from opening (1200) through dinner (1725), but it still felt compressed.
After the tours and day shows, we had a luau-style dinner, complete with emcee (he was attempting to be funny, I know…but it was actually really annoying), hula and live music. The luau was actually the part I liked the least, as there was not much for me, Ms. Veg., to eat. I know it's authentic Hawaiian…but I was a bit disappointed that there were so few veg options. Even some of the salads tasted fishy. Plus the smell of pig was everywhere, what with the whole, "We buried this pig to cook it all day and now you can pose beside it before you eat its relatives," routine.
What really made the day, though, was the night show. We saw their production Ha: Breath of LIfe, and it was amazing. Now, I don't want to spoil it for you, but the transitions—birth scenes, death scenes—were amazing. One of my favourites is when the main character is depicted growing and maturing. They do it in a few moments, but it's very clear!
The whole show was a spectacle, and I mean that in the best possible sense. (Free ice cream with our admission in the intermission didn't hurt!)
I can't think of anything else to say…at least, not about that. We did do the Dole Plantation earlier, but it was not nearly as impressive. The pineapple was really fresh, though!
A huge bonus for me was that I didn't acutally burn today—I got a bit browned (no comments on how that's all in my head, please!), but other than that, I'm untouched! Sweet!
Sun, Sand, Sludge
What did I do today? There were so many things that made me say "Oh, I should blog about this tonight," yet I can't remember any of them. So, a general run-down.
I went to Kualoa Ranch today (I think that's how it's spelled…!), and took their 'Secret Island' tour. So far the best planned excursion we've done. On the way back, a pair of sunglasses were dropped into the fishpond we were boating across…so me, being the heroine I am, hoped in the squishy, and apparently smelly. water to fish them out. Mission accomplished! Now I will definitely need a shower in the morning! (I've been skipping a day to conserve water….)
What else…oh, the veggie/garden/??? panini at the ranch was great—eggplant, zucchini, sprouts and cheese. Yum!
After, we drove to Waikiki to see a hula presentation (fabulous!) and did a bit of shopping…. I found a beach hat that will provide lots of sun protection for my ghost-whiteness, but still allow for my hair to be up. Score…!
Now, though, it's bed time. Tomorrow's another busy day, we're visiting the Dole Plantation and the Polynesian Cultural Centre. I'm looking forward to the Centre best!
I went to Kualoa Ranch today (I think that's how it's spelled…!), and took their 'Secret Island' tour. So far the best planned excursion we've done. On the way back, a pair of sunglasses were dropped into the fishpond we were boating across…so me, being the heroine I am, hoped in the squishy, and apparently smelly. water to fish them out. Mission accomplished! Now I will definitely need a shower in the morning! (I've been skipping a day to conserve water….)
What else…oh, the veggie/garden/??? panini at the ranch was great—eggplant, zucchini, sprouts and cheese. Yum!
After, we drove to Waikiki to see a hula presentation (fabulous!) and did a bit of shopping…. I found a beach hat that will provide lots of sun protection for my ghost-whiteness, but still allow for my hair to be up. Score…!
Now, though, it's bed time. Tomorrow's another busy day, we're visiting the Dole Plantation and the Polynesian Cultural Centre. I'm looking forward to the Centre best!
Today I played with plant guts.
No, really.
I gutted two leaves of aloe vera, threw it in a blender that I can't seem to get to work, and slicked the slime on my hands over the rest of my burns. It looks like dog drool mixed with snot mixed with craft glue.
Yuck. But it works!!
No, really.
I gutted two leaves of aloe vera, threw it in a blender that I can't seem to get to work, and slicked the slime on my hands over the rest of my burns. It looks like dog drool mixed with snot mixed with craft glue.
Yuck. But it works!!
Burn Lines
What do you think the first photo I took in Hawai'i would be of? The beautiful retreat I'm staying at? The gorgeous beach? The Japanese-replica temple I visited? Local food? Nope.
My extremely sunburned legs. I laid on my front to do my (horridly strenuous) English work, reading Bethune. As a result, however, I have a very definite burn-maybe-soon-to-be-tan line across the backs of my thighs, then down the rest of my legs. And of course, the shorts rode up more on one side than the other, so the lines don't even match…I swear there's got to be at least a five centimetre difference. It is very noticeable…. Plus painful. Ouch!
I burn easily, though, because I'm so damn white—I literally glow. It must be the Scottish/Irish/Dutch/German/English in me—I'm white across the board! Oh well, I got to try a supposedly authentic remedy—no word yet on how it works. It's an oil from a tree—the kukui, actually. Apparently it's been the state tree since…1959, I think. Don't quote me on that!
Anyway, the oil goes on nicely, and gets soaked up really quickly, so I think there's a decent chance I'll be in better shape after I sleep through this. On that note…goodnight…!
Hawaii Arrival
So, I'm in Hawai'i, and I wish I had photos to show for it at this stage, but it's been an amazingly long day. As well, I've now found out that the plug in doesn't work…how will my computer stay alive…?!
It's been a long day, but it's almost over. Tomorrow, it's planes, planes, and more driving! Here's to the journey, not the destination!
Quickie Catch-Up
I don't know that I'm ready for tomorrow, but I won't get more so by sitting here. I'll probably be unable to write for a few days, but I will catch you up when I can!
Pack, Tidy, Eat
Another day of now knowing what to write. Hmm. I'm finalizing my stuff for Hawaii, as I leave Wednesday night, but it's not real yet. I still have things to throw in my bag, and a carry-on to pack and load into the vehicle. Then I have to tidy this my room, where a friend of mine, who will play house-sitter, will be staying. Other than that…make the bed, tomorrow I'll sleep on the couch so the sheets are fresh for her (read: freezing with not-ever enough blankets).
Anything else? Oh, yeah, I tried a new sandwich today for lupper, it was soooo good! Soft Laughing Cow cheese, finely sliced English cucumbers, and Indian na'an bread. Yum! I saw a friend put it together at our mutual Zumba® training, and decided to try it, because I know I love all the ingredients. It was so good! I have enough to make it for the rest of the week that I;m in town, so I din;t have to eat the meat-lunches that work serves. (Ick.)
Anything else? Oh, yeah, I tried a new sandwich today for lupper, it was soooo good! Soft
I really don't know what to talk about today…nothing seems to spark my interest. I saw a movie tonight…it was 'meh' at best…I glowed in the sunlight today…I emptied a shed of cardboard….
That's pretty much it. Whoopee!
That's pretty much it. Whoopee!
So, apparently I don't know what flirting is…so a very dear, dear friend on mine is teaching*coughbashingintomyheadcough* some general rules. I had no flipping idea. I really didn't. Sometimes I think I am hopeless…!
There's a link I really want you to follow, especially if you're a US citizen. I'm disgusted with what their legislation has been pushing, and especially since my country is (even more so under this…genius…Harper government) so closely aligned with Big Brother US.
Please, I beg you, read what SOPA and its repercussions, and think if you really want that to be allowed. Read on what China does to restrict their internet—do you want that where you are? Think about what would happen if the US, arguably still one of the most influential, however slippery that is, countries enacted this.
What do you want for the future o the information age?
There's a link I really want you to follow, especially if you're a US citizen. I'm disgusted with what their legislation has been pushing, and especially since my country is (even more so under this…genius…Harper government) so closely aligned with Big Brother US.
Please, I beg you, read what SOPA and its repercussions, and think if you really want that to be allowed. Read on what China does to restrict their internet—do you want that where you are? Think about what would happen if the US, arguably still one of the most influential, however slippery that is, countries enacted this.
What do you want for the future o the information age?
Money, Time, Life
So I finished White Collar Season Three over the wekend, now I'm (im)patiently awaiting the fourth season, this summer. In the meantime, I've been watching Smash, and I'll watch Bones as soon as it's up on their site. (That's one I'm excited about—that baby will be born!!)
It's a lot of TV these days…hmm. I should change that…with more exercise!! I trained for and received my Zumba®B1 last Sunday, so I'm now licensed member of ZIN!
Money-making schemes and time-wasting-schemes. Life is good.
It's a lot of TV these days…hmm. I should change that…with more exercise!! I trained for and received my Zumba®B1 last Sunday, so I'm now licensed member of ZIN!
Money-making schemes and time-wasting-schemes. Life is good.
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